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How can I wash my horse?

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I used a shop vac on my horse and once I peeled him off the ceiling when I turned it on, he rather liked it. Got him pretty clean too, took care of the deep down scurf.

Just getting to know my OTTB, and so far he has made clear that he LOVES to roll in the mud, the horse vacuum isn’t on his list of acceptable items and neither are any brushes or currys. Well, they’re ok as long as they don’t touch him. I curry and brush very gently and we’ve come to an agreement where I can go over his body once. Second time is still being negotiated. Not helping that the weather is bouncing between near 60 degrees, 40s/ rainy, and freezing temps.

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Try a Tiger Tongue sponge thingy. Works really well getting dried mud (and just about anything else) of sensitive beasties.

Will do! Thanks for the recommendation.