How come I keep getting "logged out" when I post?

Now I’m tryin’ to not take this personal or anything, :winkgrin: but how come I keep getting unlogged when I try to post? Yes, I was logged on when I tried to post, and the computer lets me type my entire message out (I can even see the “logged in as Groom to Priceless” in the upper left hand corner of the screen) and then when I post, the whole post goes to never never land and I get a message inviting me to log on!!! Typed the same post three times before I got on this afternoon (I know, I apparently am a slow learner - should just give up)

Now I’m copying all my posts to the computer memory so I can paste it back in if the first one disappears.

Don’t feel singled out. It’s been happening alot to me also.

This happens to me everytime I post.

Maybe we’re all part of the “special club”?

This has just happened to me twice when trying to post on my overweight broodmare thread in Sporthorse breeding, after typing really long replies…

Seems the short ones are okay, the long ones get “timed out”??

Me Too

Every time I try to get on or move around, I get logged out and often the new pass word that I have reset, at least eight times, will not work, then the next time it will.

ditto! …

Check the “remember me” box when you log in.

I can’t post either

I thought it was because I am new but I have typed up 2 messages to find a home for my TB and they both never showed up on the forum?