How come the caption for...

the photo under “PHOTOS & VIDEO” is placed half way up the right side of the photo ?


Does the main forum page look all squished up because I am on an XP or is that normal ?

I have the same question as part 2 above :frowning: It’s all “squished” and I’m on XP too.

Also, the font is terrible to read :no:

And, I seem to no longer see the difference between threads read vs not, as in, bolded (not read since a new post) vs not bold :frowning:

Hmm…it doesn’t appear that way to me, but from the feedback thread stickied in Off Course, it sounds like folks are seeing different things with different browsers perhaps.

That’s something we’ll check into as well. We’ll be adjusting aspects of the font for increased readability. The color does alter when a thread is read, but it’s not as pronounced, so that’s something on our “list.”



It looks all squished up for me, too, and the thing about Jessie someone Zaruda and Caroli and some arrows on the right side by the photos and video (2 kids in pink shirts) is not readable–half of it is off in some black space.

And I agree with the above posters about how I can’t read it, type is too light, etc.

Haaalllpppp!! I am using Explorer and my computer has vista on it. Thanks. Rebecca

The caption has now floated to the same spot for me! Regardless, we’ve passed on the info–thanks!

I’m going to move some of the posts here over to the glitch report thread, so that the info stays together and we can work on addressing the problems you’re experiencing.

Mod 1