Preddy Creek Park near Charlottesville apparently has a rule that if your horse poops on the trail you have to dismount and kick the poop off the trail. This post was put in at least 3 groups on facebook and is causing quite a stir. There are people escpially those with bad knees or backs who say this is rediculous. Others saying it is perfectly resonable and if you can’t mount from the ground you have no business one a trail and some even so far as saying no business on a horse. Then there is someone who rides with large groups who says she came across that regulation once with her group and they were stopping every 5 minutes.
The history of the park is that it was set up for horses initially and then came hikers and Mountain bikers.
So COTH trail riders, is this rule common is it reasonable, and in the case of disabled riders (bad backs, knees, fused joints) that can’t mount from the ground because of their disability is it a violation of the American with Disabilities Act. Or should they just stay off horses if they can’t mount from the ground as some commenters have suggested. That last pissed me off. I guess I’m just supposed to collect my VA disability check and sit on the porch.