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How could they laugh at what's happening?

I guess if you and your family just spent the last 50 years living in a sh*thole piece of land, having been booted from where you used to live, with no economy to speak of, and the US was the best pal of your enemy…well, I find it unsurprising. I think it’s mainly Americans who believe that we are the universal font of peace and justice. The rest of the world realizes that we support democracy and peace only as long as it does not interfere with our resource consumption. Because of our creation and support of murderous dicatorships, you will never, for instance, see Mister Kissinger travel to Spain, as the citizens and courts of that nation would very much like to see the US held accountable for its own crimes against humanity. I find this tragedy to be completely shocking and horrifying, but sadly I’m not at all surprised that there are factions out there who are desperately pissed off at the US.

Yes, I absolutely deny that. I firmly believe that hose images show only a tiny fraction of a population. A fraction of extemists.


Everyone has their own reaction to things like this. Even in grief a persons reactions can seem very bizarre. I think it may just be beyond their scope. Like lil ponies at a 6’ ditch. Only this one has collapsed and is on fire.

Start praying.

I agree that the footage from Isreal was unbearably disturbing, but I agree w/ those who said that America did their share of cheering over other’s deaths in past wars. Even here, many people are no much better- Several actually thought it was “funny”, “cool”, and “exciting” that 10s of thousands of people are dead. It really makes me fear for our future. Why is humankind so…(thinking of the right word)…cruel? (inconsiderate and selfish fit too). I really really worry about what life is going to be like in 10…20…50 years.


Its a good thing I don’t own a gun, or my TV woulda been taken out last night. I have hatred in me at those people celebrating that I didn’t even know existed. Yes they are civilians also, but you don’t see me dancing in the streets and yelling at the site of their country being torn apart. Damn them all to hell.

5 months down…6 to go
(OMG, I totally missed month 4!!)

“That was one of the video clips I saw today in my university library, and it very nearly made me physically ill. Little kids, laughing and dancing in the street because tens of thousands of Americans are dead?”

It also made me feel great anger and just sick that people would rejoice over those who have suffered and died. I realize it is only one video and one scene in which we see them celebrating…but as much as I may disagree politically or otherwise with someone…I would never celebrate their death and destruction…no matter who you are. Maybe Americans have celebrated the deaths of enemies past, but I certainly never was dancing out on the street making a spectacle of myself over another’s misfortune…besides does that make it right and justifiable?
As far as the kids…well, what can we expect? If the adults teach the children that it is a good thing for Americans to die…what else do they know?
As for them living what we lived through everyday of their lives…well, as I said, I don’t cheer when they and there families are killed…I don’t know what to think of people like that, except that they are sick and disturbed…I just hope that all involved in causing/helping this massive tragedy get what’s coming to them.

I would think anyone finding humor in this devastation is not emotionally equipped to handle this overwhelming feeling of no control.

Maybe they should all sit quietly in front of the nearest TV and watch this tragedy unfold.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

Hey, in this instance, I’m speaking for myself, not for the entire nation. I feel that the joy in the streets of Lebanon is sick, just as I feel Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust, the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Vietnam War were sick. I’m not differentiating between any of these events just because the Americans were the victims in some and not others. War/acts of violence are not healthy things, period. If you have the ability to feel joy at someone else’s suffering, then you need to sit down and take a serious look at yourself, whether you be Palestinian, American, Mongolian, whatever. This is why I refuse to even make statements like - “Yeah, whoever did this needs to be hunted down and torn limb from limb!!!” I do feel that the groups behind this need to be brought to justice and the necessary action taken, but not in a senseless way. And if a military retaliation is deemed unavoidable, I will feel no more joy from it than I felt when I heard about the towers, the Pentagon, and Pittsburgh. All I will feel is regret - it’s a shame any of this happened at all and that anybody had to die.

Although I will concede Magnolia’s point - that’s something I didn’t consider. However, if the country’s leaders are forcing people to pretend joy at this, then the society is even sicker than I originally thought.


“Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.” ~Elsa Maxwell


…I watched a talk show a few years ago that had 2 families that were members of the KKK. They had young children on stage, dressed in white sheets, spewing out awful, hateful, racists things. It was easy to see how brainwashed they were and it made me sad for them that they were being brought up this way. I couldn’t blame them because it was what they were being taught by their trash parents. But what’s scary is that these children grow up to be racists adults, capable of doing much more harm than just talk. And that’s what’s sad about watching it happen in other countries…whether we can try to understand why the children were celebrating our loss (they were taught to, brainwashed, from their perspective we are the evil ones, etc.), it will just continue as they grow up and teach their children the same thing and on and on.

Sometimes people use humor the same way they use grief - as a an outlet to emotions that are too intense. Perhaps they feel things more acutely than another and need to protect themselves.

It wouldn’t seem to serve any of us well to be passing judgement on another right now.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
Lucky for the USA that I don’t run the Country because there would be NO middle east left by tonight…Binladen would be history as would most of the continent…Screw their oil…once they are erased we just take it…this is a dusgusting disgrace…I can’t imagine who would or could organize this in the name of God (allah)…my God doesn’t want this type of basic evil in the world…I pray for the victims, their families, their friends and all touched by this act of war.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree 100% that what happened today was awful…but I dont think that attacking anyone is going to be solving any problems. First off, we dont even know who was behind it yet, everything is just stipulation. Secondly, it is far deeper than what we saw today, and simply attacking them back wont do anything but get us hit again…harder. I agree something needs to be done, but wiping out the Middle east is far from the answer. Cass

Life is like a jumper course, the best time wins!

I know we are hated, I know we are despised, I did not realize that people had it in them to celebrate the death of thousands of people who were completely unsuspecting, and had absolutely nothing to do with their troubles.

5 months down…6 to go
(OMG, I totally missed month 4!!)

I was a college student during the gulf war, and I remember being sickened by the keg parties at which Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Born in the USA’ and drunken cheering were the soundtrack to CNN coverage of the bombing of Baghdad. People everywhere have an equal capacity for being mindlessly insular, patriotic swine. As long as the bad stuff is happening to someone else, we humans really don’t care all that much.

Lucky for the USA that I don’t run the Country because there would be NO middle east left by tonight…Binladen would be history as would most of the continent…Screw their oil…once they are erased we just take it…this is a dusgusting disgrace…I can’t imagine who would or could organize this in the name of God (allah)…my God doesn’t want this type of basic evil in the world…I pray for the victims, their families, their friends and all touched by this act of war.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…