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How could they laugh at what's happening?

Here as I sit trying to figure out all of what’s going on since I’ve been in school from 6am, there are assholes laughing and joking about bombings. What insensitive morons, perhaps we should put them in the situation and see if they are still laughing.

I just watched the footage from some place outside Jerusalem…What are they teaching these children??? They showed CHILDREN celebrating this act of terrorism.

What I want to know is: why does everyone assume that this is automatically a Middle Eastern act of terrorism?

There are plenty of other countries that sponsor terrorism (hey! the U.S. does too!), so we should be careful before saying anything about who did what where.

That said, the people who would do such a cowardly, repulsive act must be brought to justice.

Let’s not repeat history and suddenly hate all middle easterns as happened to the japanese in wwII. We DON’T know who did this yet! As for the people celebrating i feel pity for them being so ignorant as to celebrate the loss of innocent human life. Don’t hate the children who probably have no idea in their head about what really went down…and have been taught all their lives "america is bad’. Hating them will not solve anything.

it’s too bad those keg partiers didn’t actually listen to the words of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” - a poignant antiwar anthem if ever there was one.
I think we tend to dehumanize our enemies. There is so much suffering and hatred in the world, that it is easy to forget that each one of us is human - who love and are loved.
I hope that the people who are responsible for this horrifying act (those who are still alive, that is) will be brought to justice without more hatred and bloodshed.

Duffy - I too found that deeply disturbing. That was one of the video clips I saw today in my university library, and it very nearly made me physically ill. Little kids, laughing and dancing in the street because tens of thousands of Americans are dead? I don’t care how much you hate somebody - you don’t rejoice at their callous murder. Before we are Americans, Palestinians, Chinese, or whatever, we are human beings, and that kind of response is telling of a very, very sick society.


“Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.” ~Elsa Maxwell

Jumphigh83, the last thing we need right now is more hatred… that’s what started this. Let’s try to focus on prayers and rescue efforts instead.

(Please don’t take this as an attack on you- I realize we’re all a little touchy today)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ponyjocke:
Let’s not repeat history and suddenly hate all middle easterns as happened to the japanese in wwII. We DON’T know who did this yet! As for the people celebrating i feel pity for them being so ignorant as to celebrate the loss of innocent human life. Don’t hate the children who probably have no idea in their head about what really went down…and have been taught all their lives "america is bad’. Hating them will not solve anything.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don’t think anyone hates the children. Obviously, it is NOT their fault. It was just a disturbing image. Almost more disturbing is that these brainwashed children will grow into adults, God willing.

I do believe that innocent lives will be lost when the US strikes back. However, I believe these innocents will be placed in the path of danger BY the guilty parties. Unfortunately, I don’t believe those parties will feel the guilt. We will.

I know they have a hell of a life there, but that is not the way the people need to think!! I can not understand why someone would be happy that tens of thousands of people are dead!!! And those children will be “running” their land one day…NOT GOOD in my eyes!

While I found the scenes of people celebrating in the streets disturbing, I took a step back to realize that they probably face what we faced today every day of their lives. They spend every day worrying about a loved one being bombed or killed ina horrific way, and they believe that they are being killed with the United States help. The situation in our country right now is horrific and about the saddest thing I have ever witnessed, but I still can’t bring myself to say “To hell with the Middle East, let’s just bomb them and move on” Never having walked a mile in their shoes, i can’t honestly say that I would get any satisfaction or justice from an innocent child, baby, man or woman being killed, let alone all the animals who would be killed when we drop the bombs.

Thanks for pointing out Magnolia, that we don’t know all the facts and shouldn’t automatically think eye for an eye.

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

Brainwashed was exactly the word i was looking for. We don’t even know if they really know what happened, do you think they had just been watching cnn? Highly doubtful. I know there is rage and everyone wants justice but don’t take it out on every middle eastern person you see, just as you wouldnt want the world to type cast you as another timothy macveigh. Save the rage for when we catch the people who did this.

Kachoo, I agree. Terrorism and death and destruction are NEVER things to celebrate. How horribly sad that kids are taught to rejoice at the expense of the lives of others, regardless of what country they are from.

I think it’s a reality check to see how hated America is in some countries. Rather than assume that it’s just because we’re americans, I think we need to investigate why we are hated and know how that hate is perpetuated to truly get to the source of it all and who feeds it.

On a realistic level I know we’ll be cheering news of a retaliation attack even if that is on civilians as well. That is the madness of war. You still can’t escape the fact though, that whoever did this, staged it in such a vicious way, intentionally with civilians. Who ever thought of such an act needs to sqwashed and soon, they’ve proven there is no line they’ll cross.

If this was an act of murder where one person forced another to drive a car into someone to kill them, it would be declared as psychologically sick and twisted. The sheer thought that a country/gov’t may have put this into a plan is sickening.

On the morning news in an interview, it was mentioned that in an Iraqi newspaper it says “Americans got what they deserved.” I believe this quote is from Saddam Hussein.

What is wrong with these people? Just because a country is not allies with us does not mean they have to celebrate or make comments like the above. I’m just apalled and still in shock…

* Fiero *

Here as I sit trying to figure out all of what’s going on since I’ve been in school from 6am, there are assholes laughing and joking about bombings. What insensitive morons, perhaps we should put them in the situation and see if they are still laughing.

Go cautiously, we who live in glass houses.

All I can say is Vietnam, WWII. “We” as a country did our share of cheering at the destruction of many a village. War is just deplorable, unfortunately the vicious strike must be of some value to those who chose to take that course of action.

It is sickening.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

This was in the editorial of the Jerusalem Post this morning and I found a little comfort in it, so I pass it on the BB:

“We are sickened once again by scenes of Palestinians dancing in the streets, this time celebrating the deaths of Americans. We have trouble fathoming the hatred directed at us, so we can only imagine the bafflement and pain of Americans attempting to contemplate the baseless hatred directed at them. Some Americans, like some Israelis, may be tempted to think about what they have done wrong, what they might have done to cause people to take so many lives. The answer is that America has been attacked not for what it has done wrong, but for what it has done right: for being the hope of the entire world.”


worthy wrote:

Langshaw, as one rather astute poster in another thread pointed out, those videos of people
dancing and celebrating are no more real representatives of an entire country than the KKK is of the entire United States.


That may be true, but these people shown on tv are the same people who strap on bombs, or support those who do, and blow up pizza parlors and discos full of teenagers.

There are various people and media in the middle east who have come out in support of what was done yesterday.

Maybe many Arabs deplore what happened yesterday, but you can’t deny that many more are clapping their hands with glee over the death and destruction.

The footage I saw of the celebrations in the Mid East made me sick. It was horrible.

Please, PLEASE-
The people celebrating in the Middle East may be being FORCED to celebrate.
I knew an Iraqi girl in college…remember the scenes from Iraq? She said that if you did NOT participate, your life was hell…There were spies for Hussein everywhere.

Ride it Like You Stole It…