How do I attach a photo to my profile?

:lol::lol: Bird please.

Done :slight_smile:

Feedback is desired - and I have plenty more birds and flowers where these came from :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Love the bird you used for Avatar. Ah ,good for a few days now. I need to get a new pic for my own Avatar.

I’ll count on you to keep me honest :wink:

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Googling ‘mp4 compression software mac’ turned up a number of different options.

At that point–where you’re looking around for additional software to reduce the size of something, so you can post here–it’s really probably just much easier to upload somewhere else, like youtube or photobucket, and then copy/paste the link.

Ok, new question: I got to the edit avatar and picked a picture but every time I select it the picture is turned 90*. If I try to rotate it before downloading, it’s still rotated on its side and won’t let me fix it.

Try opening up the pic in paint, doing whatever rotating is necessary, and then saving. Upload that for your avatar.

Sometimes there’s a little helper script or something that goes along with the photo file that rotates it when you view on your computer, but it doesn’t actually rotate the saved image. COTH doesn’t read that little helper file, so if you upload for your avatar, it’ll be sideways.

If you want to attach to a post, I can fix it for you :slight_smile:

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Got it, thanks. With a new Windows OS, I couldn’t find Paint. It took me forever!