How do I block someone so I don't see their posts?

I’ve done it with the old forum but can’t figure how to do it with this new format?

Ignore is broken. See the first pinned post on this forum.

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On the positive side, it does appear to be being worked on (rather than ignored :slight_smile: ).

You aren’t the only one missing that feature…

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OMG I need me some ignore!


I never imagined so many people actually depended on ignore to be able to post and not lose it…


I know what has helped me is to completely avoid the Current Events topic and forum.

Yeah, I do occasionally run into posters I had ‘ignored’ in other forums but not near as annoying.

The overall tone and ‘nastiness’ in the above topic and forum just aren’t worth it for me. One reason I generally don’t “do” current event related topics with many people in person either.


@Where’sMyWhite I do not go to that thread or that forum either. Maybe that is why I am not feeling lost with out the ignore feature. That thread and that forum are just to hateful for my liking so no reason to bother going there.

I want to like my fellow horse lovers, to me that is enough reason alone to avoid that area of the forum. Laugh.

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Yep i depended on ignore feature,it’s nice to have. But i just scroll by posters that annoy and don’t read their post.

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Well, you are smarter than I trub! But there is a good thread in there about common ground that I enjoy. Well, enjoyed until someone I should have on ignore decided to be derisive, rude, and call me names like “sugar” and “sug” in order to try and be condescending :lol: I find it better to just avoid that sort of crazy hostile personality.

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What is odd, is that I have a few people on ignore from the old format, and most of them I can see now. However, a few of them I can’t. So it seems to be working on a random basis.

Right, some just don’t know how to disagree without being disagreeable, sadly.
Why not stick to the topic and have your say and let others think about what you say?
Why keep insisting “you hate this, hate that, if you don’t agree with me!”, as some do, even adding personal insults in case you didn’t get it yet?:wink:

I expect all of us tend to scroll right by some posters and not even go to a thread where that name is last to post, unless they had other of interest already going there.

We don’t really need an ignore function.
We should be able to manage fine on our own.
I expect they are working on that so those that can’t make it without will have it soon.

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I have noticed the overall activity is down without the Ignore feature working

Or it’s just that ppl don’t like the new format and are spending less time “here.” But I would guess the mods would be able to see activity now vs. before the change.

And i didn’t really mind the mid-thread ads until that one with the giant fly popped up. :disgust:

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If you click on who is online, there also gives numbers of how many.

I think the issue is when you are discussing something and then that one poster keeps nipping at everything you say. I would say there are about 3 peoples comments I could do without. They lend nothing to the convo excepts arguments. This is the reason people use alters. I have seen pissing contests continue to totally unrelated threads. “Boy, it has really been nice weather recently.” “Well, I guess the weather is always nice when you have white privilege.” Not a real scenario but along the same gist. People want to be able to go toe to toe on a certain topic but when they are talking about something totally different, the dislike for each other boils over. Ignore button is easy.


Best I know, the Moderator posted somewhere that they were working on fixing the ignore function, to be patient.
That it was coming back as soon as they could get it working again.

With so many requesting it, I expect they may even make an announcement, so no one will miss it when it is up and running.

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I do not have Any Middle thread ads on my desktop since I loaded that Badger thing suggest by one poster… I just get a very little Red Box with a number 1 in the upper right corner that indicates that something was attempted to be loaded but was denied

I do not have Badger on my tablet and the ad are there, I just do not come here on the tablet

And the Current Topics show be renamed or deleted. But that will not occur just as the Ignore function will ever be fixed.

To be clear, Current Topics is under the control of COTH while the non-functioning ignore is the responsibility of the vBulletin board software developers.

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The ignore function is part of the basic program, why it is hard to get to and fix, without causing other glitches, is what I understood, but that they were working on it, so have faith they will.

As for the Current Event’s forum, I agree it is rough going there, have been :eek: plenty there.
I have learned a whole bunch of stuff I would rather not have known, that maybe I didn’t need to know, about so much out there.
Has been, lets say, very interesting, if in a hard to take form.

I do think that helped understand people I could not understand before better, although much still leaves me puzzled.

I keep thinking the old phrase, “we have come a loooong way, baby”.
The internet sure has changed the world as we saw it before, has it, for so much good and also in scary ways.