How do I change the category - User level

Neat name, good choice!

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Dear @Moderator_1

Can my user level be “Sage” please? Greenie makes me feel like a vegetable. I’d rather be an herb.

Thank you!


Now it reads “Sage Mage” when you pull up your profile card! :smile:

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Could you update mine to Air Fern? That applies to both myself and Charlie :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Thank you!!!

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:leafy_green: :smile:


Thank you!!

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@Mersidoats, this is the thread I mentioned to you in that other discussion.

Dear @Moderator_1 - can my level be “Elderly Member of the Illegal Mob”? Pretty please? And thank you. :grin:

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@Moderator_1 can mine be “lawn dart” please? Thank you in advance!

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please delete my user level. gracias.

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Hi @Moderator_1 -

Can you change my user status to Another Elderly Member of the Illegal Mob?

Thanks muchly!



May I please have a status of “Salty Ammy”?

Many thanks!

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Can I get my user status changed to “Yeah well, you know, that’s just like, your opinion, man.”

If too long, “Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.”

Thanks :sunglasses:


Let me know if you’d like it shortened. It accepted the whole thing but it’s not all visible when looking at your posts on a phone.

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Ok, how about the shorter format. If you can include quotation marks that would be cool. Thank you!

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@Moderator_1 So glad I finally thought to look here. I’ve been driving myself crazy for weeks trying to change my category.

Could I please be Labradoodle of Ill Repute ?

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@Moderator_1 May I please have a Signature Line of “But I am Just a Horse of Course”.

Thank you




Hello @Moderator_1,
Could you please take Greenie away and replace it with Halfbroke Horsewoman?
Thank you.