Alright grooming gurus! I have a gray horse and I am wondering what everyone’s secrets are to getting a tail WHITE again that has been yellowed.
Let me mention that showing is not our primary thing that we do, but I still like to make him look the best I can. I’m taking an extra step this year and getting him a tail extension for when we do show, so I really need to step up my grooming of his tail. Now, he does live in a pasture 24/7 so I know that may limit us, but we’ll do the best I can.
Yesterday, I washed his tail for the first time this year (yeah we’ve had a late start to the year, but that’s okay) and here’s a full view of his tail and then a close up view of the end of the tail next to the hair that is deeper in his tail. So obviously, I know it can be much whiter that what I got it.
I first washed it with the regular Mane and Tail shampoo, then washed it again with the Mane N Tail Spray and White, and then conditioned it with the regular Mane and Tail conditioner.
I only have access to a garden hose for washing, where I board. So no hot/warm water!
Normally, I do try to wash his tail once a week, or once every two weeks. He is a tail rubber, despite all my best efforts, but it does seem to help with his tail rubbing if I can keep his “pasture tail” somewhat clean. Since this was only the first time it’s been washed since last September, I suppose it will get a little whiter now that we can get back to our regular washings.
I can get those back feet sparkling white with the Spray N White shampoo but his tail seems to be a bit more difficult.