How do I include a link

I tried to add a link to a post of mind so people could check something out. I entered in the web address exactly but it didn’t highlight it so people could just click on it. What did I do wrong?

Also, how do I get photobucket link? Do I add it to my profile?

I’m certainly not the best to offer advise…I don’t even post photos!! But to post a link I usually cut and paste the address at the top of the page I’m wanting to share.

I usually cut and paste the address at the top of the page I’m wanting to share.[/QUOTE]

I’m so computer illiterate, I don’t even know how to do that!!!

If you type in a website’s address correctly, it should automatically show up as a link when you submit your post.

If you’re really computer illiterate (;)), an easy way to ensure you’re getting the address right is to:

  • Go to the website you’re interested in sharing.
  • Go to the top of the screen where the URL (the website address) is shown in your web browser.
  • Click on it, so that the whole thing is highlighted.
  • Then hit the right click button on your mouse once and a menu will pop up.
  • Select “copy”
  • Go to your BB post or wherever you want to enter the address, right click again and select “paste”
  • The address should show up.

I’m not sure of what you’re asking re: Photobucket. That’s a photo hosting/sharing site. If you upload your photos to their site, you can then provide a link to share your photos with other people (via the “cut-and-paste” process above).

You could add a link within a post to share a photo to illustrate a point you’re making, or you can add a link in your signature if you want people to be able to click through to see a photo.

You can also directly upload a photo into your profile, so that when people go to it, they can automatically see the picture. You can do that through your User Control Panel.

Did any of that help?
Mod 1

I have a similarly related question:

I’ve noticed that many people can post a link, but they actually name it something else so it doesn’t look like a link other than the fact that it’s highlighted. (Does that make sense???)

How do they do that?

Enter the link like this. Change the () to []

(url= you want displayed(/url)

Cool! - Thanks!!! :smiley:

Link to This Thread

How do I put a link for the Chron of my horse? I want it in my sig line and I dont know how to make the link say “COMH”


I feel like an idiot! I cannot get this to work for me. I’ve tried it a million different times. What I’m I doing wrong?! :frowning:

I originally followed the instructions from the help forum that were the same; it also said if you hit the URL button and entered the Web address that after you clicked OK another box would come up that allows you to enter the text you want displayed. This doesn’t work for me either. :sigh:

Do you have to be a premium member to do this?

No, anyone can do it. It appears to be working in your sig, where you have the horses’ names and it links to their albums…

well then I am an idiot… HOW CAN I get something to say “MY HORSES” and have that as a link?

Enter the link like this. Change the () to []

(url= you want displayed(/url)[/QUOTE]

Sub in “My Horses” for “text you want displayed” :slight_smile:

I also wanted to clarify the “automated” process mentioned above for those having trouble.

To create links like these without having to remember the coding format, click on the “Insert Link” icon when you’re creating your reply. It’s a little globe with an oval at the bottom, in the tool bar above the box where you type your text.

When you click that icon, a pop-up box will appear, where you paste or type the URL you want to link to. The “http://” is automatically there already, so be sure it’s not there twice if you’re cutting and pasting your link.

When you click “OK,” you’ll automatically be taken back to the box where you type in your post, and a big ol’ link will be there (formatted like furlong47 showed everyone above). A portion of the link will be highlighted for you, and that’s the part that you type in whatever text you want to appear in place of the actual link.

Just start typing–it’ll replace the highlighted text automatically!

For example:

I hear this forum is terrific! :wink:

Hope this helps!
Mod 1

See, I did click on the “globe” box, entered the link, and then hit OK. All that shows up in my post is the actual link (exactly like I entered it in the pop up box). There is no formating, no highlighting, no place to type anything, nada.

The only way I can get it to work is to type in the formatting and then do this funky thing of highlighting it and backspacing, etc. to get it to work. That’s how I got it in my signature. It is such a pain!

See, I did click on the “globe” box, entered the link, and then hit OK. All that shows up in my post is the actual link (exactly like I entered it in the pop up box). There is no formating, no highlighting, no place to type anything, nada. [/QUOTE]

I think I may have figured this out! Kelly, do you have the Enhanced “WYSIWYG” Edit Interface selected as an option under your User CP?

For those not familiar, under “edit options” in your User Control panel, you can play around will all kinds of settings associated with your account. All the way at the bottom, under “miscellanous options” is the editing interface, which has three options: basic, standard and enhanced.

The editing interface determines how the screen where you type in your replies operates. Under “basic” you have to enter in all the coding yourself to italicize, bold, change colors of your text, etc. Under “standard” there’s a nice little bar of icon you can click on to automatically add to coding to your posts–you click on them like you would in Word or some other word processing software. When you’re using the standard interface, you see the coding when you’re typing your post.

The advanced interface is WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get). So that means, if you click the button to bold something, it’ll actually appear bolded while you’re composing your message, not just when you post it.

BTW, if when using basic or standard, you can always click “preview post” before you click “submit reply” to make sure your post looks the way you want it to before it goes live.

I actually use the standard interface myself, so I need to go check into how to make these links work under WYSIWYG. That is, of course, if that’s the problem you’re having Kelly!

Mod 1

OK, folks, to work these links using the WYSIWYG interface, type then highlight whatever text it is that you want to show up as a link.

With it highlighted, click on that globe-like “insert link” icon.

Then input the actual URL you want to link to and click OK.

Let me know if that works…and whether it’s reassuring or frightening that even the mods don’t know how everything works either!

Yea! Works for me. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Practice practice practice

OMG! It worked! Now how come I couldn’t go back and edit those links to threads? Off I go to try again.

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Yoga practice and riding
Ok. It will not change a live link, so if I go back to edit I have to pull the link off the google toolbar again my post
Fwiw I’m using WYSIWYG, and I am not able to use the hyperlink icon up above. As soon as I open it I lose access to my copy/paste, and no way am I going to type all that stuff. May do a little playing with that now too.
Nope. What I type is what I get.