How do you get into racing when you have no connections? Particularly Standardbreds.

Every time I go to the track I get a stupid, stupid itch to buy a standardbred. I have no connections to the standardbred racing industry. I have no clue what they cost, upfront nor monthly. Do people even buy a racehorse for a hobby or is it strictly professionals?

Am I completely out to lunch even toying with the idea of entering this industry?

And if if I am… please have a laugh at my expense. Better yet, talk me off the ledge.

USTA has a page about getting started in harness racing on their Fanzone website (look for the “Own” tab):
There are a few STB folks who frequent this board as well - if you could give your general location, maybe one of them could chime in.


Im in southern Ontario

Lots of trainers in Ontario, and Standardbred Canada has a guide as well for ownership. Perhaps you may find one the joint ownership clubs useful as the purchase price per individual is very low and subsequent bills are also very low, What track interests you most?

I’m close to Hiawatha, Dresden, leamington and sort of Clinton. All small tracks. I’ll check out their website! Thank you!

New vocations, adopt a horse has a standardbred page.
you can browse there.

“Hobbyists” exist. They’re usually syndicate people. I say syndicate as it’s generally cheaper than outright buying a working/racing horse.

Syndicate people pay a trainer or syndicate manager a fee (sometimes set, sometimes not) to more or less handle the day-to-day everything.

They then generally show up on race day to visit the backstretch/their horse if interested/allowable and for the potential chance to have their picture taken in the winner’s circle. Thus the ‘itch’ is ‘scratched’.

Lifelong STB owner here. We stick to trotters but probably either is good to get into; I might even give the nod to pacers as a first time owner, particularly if you are interested in getting into a “baby” (yearling/2yo).

Several yearlings (now 2yos) we either looked at and liked, or literally got outbid on last fall are listed on this site, so here you go: They have good (aka, my) taste :lol: Also I would strongly recommend buying a piece of one instead of going full blown at first, as others have mentioned, so this gives you that opportunity.

If you really want to go the “I own a whole racehorse” road, I’d get in touch with a trainer, and maybe start with a solid claimer. Immediately racing and immediate opportunity for return.

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This is AWESOME! Thank you so much for showing me this site.

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Quite welcome :slight_smile: Love talking standardbreds so feel free to ask or PM me any questions!

But don’t think they adopt them out to go back to the racetrack. OP wants one to race. Which I don’t think is a bad way to scratch that race horse itch if you are in an area with a number of trot tracks. Sounds like fun.

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Ah, I misunderstood. Thought hobby meant pleasure riding. Thanks.

FWIW, my though when I read the OP was that they were getting an itch to maybe drive (vs just own) a STB.

What I know about racing STBs you could fit in a teaspoon but from watching some on TV, at lease places like Woodbine do have races for amateur drivers (most are for professionals). Maybe this would be something for OP to research (if driving is the objective vs ownership or training.

I should have made myself a little more clear! Definitely interested in the owning aspect. Driving would be neat but definitely not for me!

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