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How do you market your foals?

How do you market your foals? Online listing services, Facebook, on your web site?

Marketing and selling foals is a problem for most North American breeders. And the cost to keep your product for 3 or 4 years and invest in training is prohibitive.

The web has expanded the reach of even the smallest breeders, but how do you turn the shoppers into buyers?

Europeans have the advantage of foal auctions every year. The auctions are produced by the various studbooks as well as commercial auction companies. In most cases, European breeders are just a few hours from an auction market. That’s not the case here.

We want to know if breeders would be interested in a North American Foal Auction conducted online.

Online Auctions combine the reach of the internet and the advantages of an auction.

Sell from home without placing the stress of a long trailer ride on your foals
• Accelerate the marketing and sale process
• Know the date you can sell
• Bring interested buyers to the point of decision, they must act or lose

• Eliminate high carrying costs of horse ownership
• Tedious price negotiation is replaced by competitive bidding

Let us know what you think. Email us at info@sporthorseauctions.com.