How far North are the barn swallows?

Hi everyone. I am an alumnus of the Univ. of Colorado. The current magazine has an article on barn swallow research. Thought some might be interested![/QUOTE]

Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

Not expecting my swallows until April 24th or thereabouts.

Woodpecker is here - hammering on the aluminum chimney like crazy!

Hummingbirds will be here the instant the large pink chestnut comes into bloom.

Peepers have been at it for a month now.

There was a swallow flying around in my cupola yesterday (mid-coast Maine). I was quite shocked!

Mine always show up the 3rd week in April here in No. Va. Last year they were one week early. None here yet. Soon though.:slight_smile:

Mine showed up on sunday, about 4 hours after we had gotten their shelves all cleaned off and ready. They are now busy building and dive-bombing everyone. I love them. We are in the mid willamette valley of Oregon.

Well the warm weather has arrived, and it seems to have brought the swallows with it! Saw my first one today!

[QUOTE=PNW AMTS Dealer;8611531]
Mine showed up on sunday, about 4 hours after we had gotten their shelves all cleaned off and ready. They are now busy building and dive-bombing everyone. I love them. We are in the mid willamette valley of Oregon.[/QUOTE]

So glad yours came; I’ve been worried about ours this year as they haven’t arrived, and some invasive bird snagged their nests.

Has anyone else dealt with the invasive birds? What did you do? I’ve just been making it generally uncomfortable for them, and I knock their stuff out of the middle of the swallows’ nests, but not sure if there’s anything else to do?

So glad yours came; I’ve been worried about ours this year as they haven’t arrived, and some invasive bird snagged their nests.

Has anyone else dealt with the invasive birds? What did you do? I’ve just been making it generally uncomfortable for them, and I knock their stuff out of the middle of the swallows’ nests, but not sure if there’s anything else to do?[/QUOTE]

I’m assuming sparrows? I once had issues with sparrows taking over the barn and my swallows’ nests, but once I switched to pelleted only feed for my horses (hence removing one of the sparrows’ food sources), the swallows moved back in. Now the swallows police the barn themselves - heaven help the sparrow that tries to set up housing now - the swallows run them out. :slight_smile: Right now I have to gaurd the phoboe nest from the swallows. :frowning: My first phoboe nest just hatched, and I had trouble last year with the swallows going after the poor phoboe fledglings… always somethin’…

We have had starlings sit on the swallow’s nests, tipping out the babies. We got a ladder and successfully put the back. The starling did the same thing again, and this time one died, but we saved the other three. I managed to whack the starling with a corn broom as she flew past and then she did not return.

Still waiting for the pink chestnut tree to bloom for the humming birds to return to.

Swallows still not due, as yet.

Spring is finally here! Toronto (GTA)
The first swallow arrived today. He came in, checked the place out and left. I know he’s gone to tell the rest ‘all is well’ and I’ll have a full barn of singing swallows pretty soon; I expect anywhere from 12-15 pairs. The swallows will keep the bugs down and bring another year of good luck.

Saw our first yesterday. Expect the rest soon!

We’ve had our swallows back this year for about a week (I’m in Seattle-ish area). The “scouts” showed up last week, and today we noticed 4 birds sitting on nests in my barn (usually we have 10-15 nests occupied).

Nothing here yet. If my 30 year calendar holds up, should be next week latest. Though they came a week earlier last years. I fret. I cannot imagine my barns in the summer without all my little cuties.

I’m sure they don’t all have the same migratory paths…especially from the PNW to Mexico. Shorter distance from northern VA down the flyway through the Gulf.

I need to research the migratory highways from various parts of the country.

Amazing little aviators, that for sure. :slight_smile:

Nothing here yet. If my 30 year calendar holds up, should be next week latest. Though they came a week earlier last years. I fret. I cannot imagine my barns in the summer without all my little cuties.[/QUOTE] I am just a bit south of you and I saw my first swallows this morning.

I am just a bit south of you and I saw my first swallows this morning.[/QUOTE]

Yay! My scouts have typically arrived in the early evening. Maybe tonight. :slight_smile:

Time to start closing the big barn doors and door to the indoor to keep Barred Owls out. They don’t just go after them after they’ve nested, they go after perching adults. :frowning:

Spring is finally here! Toronto (GTA)
The first swallow arrived today. He came in, checked the place out and left. I know he’s gone to tell the rest ‘all is well’ and I’ll have a full barn of singing swallows pretty soon; I expect anywhere from 12-15 pairs. The swallows will keep the bugs down and bring another year of good luck.[/QUOTE]

I am in between you and K-2. None here yet, and I am hoping they stay away a bit longer. It was a gorgeous day, so I took a chance and took the tank heaters out, and put away the snow shovels.


You are tempting fate, Fred…

Mine have been around but still seemed to be pouting about their nest being
gone. They showed up the first weekend in April, a little late. But they been busy putting up a new nest on the other side of the door. Not giving themselves
much clearance and no ibeam to stand on.

You are tempting fate, Fred…[/QUOTE]

I know!! :slight_smile: