How is this legal? 4 y/o showing 4th level

Yep IME the judges and scribes don’t really get any info on the horses. Heck if anything, I’m fighting to try and get their number written down so age is far from my largest concern


At no point did anyone suggest it was the judges responsibility to age check, but there were definitely failures of the system here.


Yes, not implying that anyone stated that but just mentioning it since it’s usually assumed that the horse is the appropriate age for the level of test they’re competing at. However, since it’s been brought up to the officials then not sure if there’s anything else that can be done

To the OP:

The proper authorities are going through the proper channels. The horse show management engaged them, you engaged them, perhaps others have as well.

I agree with your assessment that the trainer did a Bad Thing and has now actively tried to Hide the Evidence.

What I can’t grasp is why you are still so deeply invested, now that the newness of the knowledge has worn off. The wheels are in motion, you can let go of the train now, if you wanted to. You just seem awfully invested, and I can’t figure out why.


Good answer, and one I certainly understand.

Web pages don’t cost $$ to run. Just time. Lots and lots of time.

And time to fix.
And that time is usually not donated.
So yes, they do cost $$


Interesting that 119.1 says Fourth level horses must be 6, but in 119.8, the FEI 7year old tests are “comparable to Fourth Level”. (It’s in red so must be new).

Thats OK. They are 7 doing 4th ish level.


And if the trainer thinks this is all okay, what else is going on ?


And in the CoTH fashion, a good half the posts on here miss that point completely and instead want to shoot the messenger :rofl: Usef has acknowledged the violation, which was my only concern, despite whatever nefarious motives I’ve been assigned by complete strangers.

Edited to add sorry was trying to quote/reply to the post above this but I’m failing today!


That’s not really a fair accusation when other posters are still engaging. It’s a discussion after all…


Of course she can engage, it’s the continuing vitriol that had me (and presumably others) scratching our heads. I mean, no one suggested shooting the messenger, yet here we are.


Unclear how pointing out a flagrant horse welfare violation and then the seller/trainer doing her best to hide the evidence is vitriol, but as you say, here we are :roll_eyes:


Thanks - it’s not like I’m coming on here daily to bump this, I’m occasionally replying to comments that I think merit a reply. You know. As one does, on a discussion board :upside_down_face:


Yeah, ok boss.

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It is an interesting dilemma for horse show organizers. Much depends on the honesty of the show participants, their willingness to know the rules and to abide by them.

I do think that saying something when one sees the rules being broken is important. There have been many times that a issues have come to light on the COTH forums before USEF or other entities are aware of them.

The recent arrest of a Canadian trainer for child sexual assault, and his suspension by CE was brought to light here, before USEF and Safe Sport were aware (he was a member of USEF.) They know now though.

Showing a 4 year old in, and advertising it’s scores from USEF 4th level classes is not as serious as a Safe Sport violation, however people need to know that someone will notice. It takes a village and all that.



I agree. Not every trainer or horse flipper knows the rules, however they should, but that doesn’t mean that they are inherently awful to their horses . I think most of us, who aren’t young, were taught to read the rules that applied to our classes. It’s common sense, and the responsibility of everyone who competes in any sport, horse or otherwise.

ETA I’ve agreed with a deleted post. :neutral_face:


Bless your heart.


If I’m supposed to be offended, you missed :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: