how life chaged

on may 13 i poset i poseted my lasted my laste post here. as you can see my spelleing cheange a lot from my regular post here. the reason i hd a stroke. the lst was done by my dh becasue i couldnt put 2 letters together to make a wored. i still have problem but am daoing better am hoping you forgive any typos.

i remember on the day before all was fine i remember ihad my horse new training sched;uanl all worked out as we all ready ouy behid scheudal due to my broken aknnel. so we were all set. we were going to going to doing to only loclal show schedaul.

ten i cane here and ask about the question i asked then 2 days later it happen.
only two days layte is dys is when the the 13 my my body startd to weird on me. i could tak or anything.
dh took me to the local hospital wheiral ( never take anyone to ever for borken they test you for broken boken for druggs) mis dx’d and sent me home for 2 or3 days i djt remenber. finally remer dh called dh dh took me got me got me to clevelald clilclin i reneber haop.

i had a larg enough bockage they are sporage that they are spraize that i have not lost ever all every ever all on one on right sige.

i hope it is shore time and one tame i will ride i will be abe will raide again raide but they dait know…

I was afraid of that, your symptoms screamed stroke to me so I urged you to go to the hospital on two different threads. I hope you have a meaningful recovery.

I wish you a successful recovery. Thank you for posting.

laruruarce the firc i did not wat to think or betive it. the secice i had no choice. thank you…
you woud thik comercamer would say that some time the some loke sone the simynetomes dome domt soweup for the first however long then give a long… t may ave been ever llong ever geegh i dont want to think…
again thak you… laruraracra (i am srry i unabla to spell it right right)…


(and spelling be damned, i can understand you. :slight_smile: )

My best to you for a successful recovery.

Entirely different circumstances but I did manage to relearn to read and write and even type.

Hope you heal soon!! You made me think of piaffing who is still recovering from her stroke and unable to type much past yes andno

I hope you are near a rehab clinic where you can get help. Don’t worry and relax. We all hope you feel better soon.

I had a stroke in 2007 and recovered most of my functioning. Jingling for you.
When it happened to me, I could hardly believe it.

My mom had rain damage rom surgery. One thing we learned…there is no timetable. So many people told us “I it’s not better in 6 months (or 2 years) it’s never going to get better”. While it was slow she was making steady progress up until her tumor came back.