How Long To Recover From a Knee Replacement Surgery?

Hello Everyone,

I am 50 years old and dealing with knee pain from the last 2 months. Now I am looking for knee replacement surgery. But I have a busy schedule and my family depends on me. Can anyone tell me how long it takes to recover from knee replacement surgery? I would like to hear your experiences. Also, suggest me the best orthopaedic surgeon who can give me the ultimate results.]

Wait a minute, you are looking at doing knee replacement after having pain for only 2 months?? I would seek other alternatives first. Cortizone, rooster crown, stem cell, PRP, arthritis meds, etc. My husband is almost 50 and is having TKR on New Year’s Eve after 35 YEARS of pain. This is the last resort after going through all of the above numerous times.

As far as the best surgeon, would help know WHERE on this planet you are. Google is your friend.

First, I would talk to an orthopaedic specialist about your knee pain situation and next steps vs asking an internet forum with little other info provided. If a knee replacement is recommended your Dr will do the surgery or if they don’t do them, will recommend someone.

My best friend had knee replacement at age 55 after 10 years of chronic pain And only after PT and other treatments for her hereditary osteoarthritis no longer worked. She was pretty fit and a rider. She was back in action and riding after 6 weeks.

Agree that you should find a knee replacement specialist near where you live —but l believe in sooner rather than later —I was crippled by my knees --and now after two replacements (at the same time), I am totally pain free --only regret is not doing it sooner --none of the alternatives worked for me at all. Oh, and how long? My friend who is a veterinarian was back at work after 2 weeks --but she sat with her leg up while she examined patients (as much as she could). She only had one knee done --I had both done and was out six weeks —could have gone back at 4 but wanted an extra two weeks of PT.