Gaaahhhh! Gotta figure out how to use Quote in a reply
Anyhow, I jumped back in to add that my WB was bred in Queensland, Australia with a Florida-like climate, then shipped to FL @ 6 to live for the next 9yrs before I moved him to the Midwest.
He arrived with showslick coat & just an unlined cotton sheet on December 1.
Thinking he’d freeze, I gave him my (former)TWH’s blanket - a midweight 78 that gave him Plumber’s Butt on his 82 body
Through testing his ability to stay warm unblanketed, I determined he was fine without.
He never in the 5yrs I had him, grew more than a plushy coat and as in my original post, was fine through Winter w/o a blanket of any kind.
YMMV, I blanket according to horses’ need.