[QUOTE=jody jaffe;6432981]
My next column will be about age. this topic has been on my back burner for a long time. The recent string of posts following Margie Engle’s accident has moved it to the front burner for me, along with my swift approach to 60.
I’m plan to interview the elder statesmen and women of our sport.
I’d love to get your suggestions of people to interview, both well -known icons and everyday people in all riding disciplines.
Also, endurance riding seems to be especially taxing and makes me wonder how old is too old to do an endurance ride?
I would say you’re too old when you no longer can sit a horse. :lol:
That said, time marches on for all of us and you’ll not do at 60 what you used to do at 20 (or 30 or 40 or etc.). That march can be a a different rate for different people so don’t judge your situation by that of your neighbor.
Endurance takes time in the saddle. How long can you sit a horse without pain? How long can you sit a horse in a correct seat so you don’t cause your horse pain? That’s going to be your dual limit.
So, look in the mirror and get your answers. 