How snug should blanket straps be?

It’s a Weatherbeata with two belly straps that cross. And has the thin hind leg straps. Do those clip to opposite side? Thank you.

Either clip opposite sides, or loop around each other and clip back to the same side. The choice is yours, just make sure it’s one or the other


Cross in the middle and snap to the same side. That keeps the straps from “strangling” one leg or the other, and same-side helps keep the blanket centered

As for how snug - above the hock, not so short they’re going to encroach on a sheath, let alone udder. More or less, depending on conformation, that’s around halfway between hocks and where the butt cheeks meet.


If you are a visual learner:

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My experience is the opposite. Leg straps snapped to the opposite side keeping the blanket more centered.

It’s personal preference. Neither is incorrect. These days my personal preference is a butt strap.


I always did the crossed-in-the-middle, but the second part I agree, I typically take the legs traps off now and make one a butt strap. SO much more convenient. Haven’t had any issues with blanket staying put.


How does it keep it centered? If crossed opposites and the blanket falls to the left:

The left hind is connected to the right front, The left is low, which allows the right to be high. Which keeps it going left.

Genuinely curious.

If intertwined, when the blanket falls to the left:

The left hind falls left only until it puts tension on the “intertwined” spot, then it can’t go much further.

Are the attachment points for the leg straps in a good position for replacing the leg straps with a butt strap, or will I need to move them? All my blankets are same brand as that of the O.P

I just attach them where they are for a butt strap.
I take off one leg strap, then I clip the remaining one over to that hook. All done.

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Dunno. Just that blankets with looped straps tended to be found off center more that those with cross straps, and crossing straps tended to keep blankets that wanted to slip off centre from doing so. YMMV.

If the rings are low on the blanket it’s fine. My last Weatherbeeta had rings low enough, but I bought it something like 20 years ago.

I found a leg strap was typically too long for a butt strap unless it was doubled (ie both snaps in the same ring). Before it got stretched out of shape. They’re just far too long.

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When I’ve done this (only in a pinch, broken leg strap and I didn’t have a spare on hand - I hate butt straps personally) I just tie a bunch of knots in it until it’s the right length.

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I do the belly straps pretty snug. Last year one of mine laid down and hung leg. The strap broke before the horse did but I’m Not trying for a repeat .


Use a piece of baling twine and make one.

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Yep! That is exactly what I do too! :laughing:

Fellow boarder made a baling twine butt strap. She added some layers of duct tape in the middle. That kept the strap from getting too gross too quickly.