How soon should I start riding again?

I’ve posted on here before about my concussion, it happened June 20th. Recovery for me has been hard and slow…I still don’t feel much “like myself” even though I’ve pushed myself to do well at work. I sort of hit a brick wall if I try to go shopping or anything like that that overwhelms me.

The ER doctor said I could start riding again after 2 weeks. Obviously that mark has come and gone, and I haven’t tried yet. (He also said I could go back to work after 2 days, and when I was finally capable of trying a week later, I was a spaced-out zombie who couldn’t function).

I have also been extra sensitive to the heat, and that’s what’s really worrying me. It’s in the 100’s every day and it was hard enough for me to ride in that anyway, considering I’m fairly heat sensitive. I am worried about having heat stroke and getting brain damage, weakened as I already am. Maybe I’m being overly cautious. The Dr I followed up with says I should be fine now.

My trainer and everyone at my barn thinks I should be back by now. I would hate to have to keep paying for lessons I’m not taking to keep my slots three days a week, but I just don’t know when I should chance it. How will I know if I’m ready?

I would get myself back to the neurologist ASAP. You need to be seen by someone with more experience than we have here.
Head injuries are very serious business. If your doctor won’t listen find a new one. Feel better soon.

If you’re still feeling not quite right, I’d say get a 2nd opinion from a specialist. Has anyone done a follow up MRI or CT since the day in the emergency dept?

Once you are feeling better, I’d say ease back into riding when you feel up to it - not because of fear of losing a slot in the lesson program. I’d hope your instructor, in light of your situation, would work with you on this.

You can never be too cautious about a TBI.

As the other posters suggested, please find a good neurologist and follow up with him. An ER Doc, your trainer, nor your regular physician know how you are feeling. If you are still having difficulties with everyday activities (ie: going to the grocery store), then there is something not quite right.

Please take good care of yourself and see someone? If your brain still needs time to heal, then getting on a horse is probably the worst thing that you can do for yourself. JMHO.

Healing thoughts coming from KY.

I agree with everyone here. See a specialist. Don’t let anyone push you into riding - or doing anything - that you aren’t ready to do.

Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon.

Go get a second opinion. Sometimes swelling can hide an injury in from x-rays. Take Mary King for instance. When she first got seen for her neck injury the docs weren’t all that concerned, but when she went back for a second look the injury was worse than when it was first scene. Not because she had redamaged her neck, but because the swelling and trauma to the area hid the underlying injury.

A friend recently came off her horse and got a pretty decent concussion from it. They did a head CT the next day (it was fine), and told her if she still had symptoms after 2 weeks that she should come back in because some things don’t show up right away. Then, they told her she should wait a week to two weeks after the symptoms stopped (headaches, feeling NQR) before she started riding again. I think she took 2 sick days from work, then tried to go back for half days before taking a planned trip to visit her elderly mother. She says the trip was the best thing she could have done, because it forced her to stay quiet and not overdo things and not be tempted to ride! She said it was really strange because with all the other injuries she’s ever had, she bounced back really quickly and was dying to get back to full activity right away, but with this concussion, she felt out if it and really dull and tired and didn’t care if she even left the house.

Good news is, at right around 2 weeks she felt like her usual self and is back to full activity. I agree with the others, if you’re still having symptoms over a month after your injury, you need to go back to the Dr.

Dear KS,
I’m sorry I didn’t see your thread earlier! Sounds like you have a traumatic brain injury- I had one 4/28/2008, and it chaged my life. This injury is also known as Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, but there’s nothing mild about it when you have the symptoms that you’'re having.
Everyone here is right- neurologist, MRI, and neuropshychologist consultation if you can get it. If there is something you’re feeling like you just shouldn’t do, DONT DO IT. You’re instintcual inernal voice about what you can do and what you can’t is going to be on target every time. Its been 3.5 years, and I still don’t go to movies in the theater because of the sudden changes in noise and light levels.
There are no set timelines for recovery from this injury. It doesn’t matter if you lost consciousness or not, or if you have headaches or not, or if you have any of the other symptoms they tell you are common. The “cognitive fatigue” you’re having - not feeling like yourself, simple mental tasks wearing you out completely, desire to sleep all the time but not being able to get good quality sleep- all these things are common for TBI sufferers, and are roundly dismissed by many, many doctors. Get to someone who takes your concerns seriously, and doens’t just treat you like you’re crazy or faking. Ride again when you are ready, and not a moment before. Riding for me was a big part of my rehab, but only at the walk, as I had a damaged balance system.
You’re not crazy- you have a brain injury! You have to stilumate your brain a little bit every day, and try not to overstimulate it on any given day. Good luck, and you will get better. I’m living proof!