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How Tall is too tall?

I recently purchased new Parlantis and have been wearing them for about 4 days now around the house. The only problem is, they are too tall and I’m a afraid they wouldn’t drop short enough for me to able to sit comfortably in them! I need them to drop AT LEAST 1 inch. Should i return them or hope for the best? :frowning:

They sound like they are a perfect height. Parlantis usually drop around an inch, more if you don’t keep them in boot trees. The best way to get them to drop is to ride in them. You don’t have to zip them up all the way for the first few rides if it is painful. Don’t worry :slight_smile: Usually Parlantis are too short!

They will drop. Keep wearing them. One of the biggest complaints of Parlanti boots is that they are too short. Yours sound just perfect.

I recently purchased new Parlantis and have been wearing them for about 4 days now around the house. The only problem is, they are too tall and I’m a afraid they wouldn’t drop short enough for me to able to sit comfortably in them! I need them to drop AT LEAST 1 inch. Should i return them or hope for the best? :([/QUOTE]

My Parlantis were at least an inch and a half too tall for me when I bought them but after riding in them for about a month or so they dropped to the perfect height :slight_smile: Hope you love them as much as I do!


Thank you all so much!! I do love them:D Can’t wait till they break in the perfect height

I have very short and wide calves with tinyyy feet and ankles and I’ve never been able to buy off-the-rack boots that didn’t have at least 2" to drop, particularly when I am really particular about the bottom part of the boot to fit perfectly. I wear them like crazy - everywhere possible, even to the shops. I usually don’t do them up all the way for a while when riding. I also use a heel lifter or gel-orthotic thing, just from the chemist, at first until they aren’t rubbing me raw. Unless they are expensive (and in that case I would have gone custom!) I don’t use boot trees which helps as well.