I’ve owned and ridden the same (bestest) horse for the past 20 years. We don’t show because I don’t have the money for it primarily. But I’ve been taking consistent lessons and clinics. I’d estimate/been told we are about 4th level/PSG with our forte being piaffe and passage (he’s baroque…). Just to give an aproximation of where we’re at.
At this point I practically think what needs to happen and it does because I’ve been riding him for so long we can read each others thoughts. I feel like a decent enough rider when I’m on him. Additionally he’s also a very sensitive horse so I would say I’m mostly acustomed to a horse with more go then whoa and requires a quiet/reassuring seat/hand.
That all changes when I get on a different horse in particular warmbloods are the worst for me I don’t get to ride other horses all that often but on the rare occasion I get on one I’m like a training level rider all over again. I have no earthly idea how to get them forward and connected forget about collection. My position goes to crap and I feel like a complete idiot.
I live in Massachusetts. Does anyone know of anywhere I could go to ride other horses preferably in lessons and preferably horses with some education? Or have other ideas of how I could improve my riding so I can ride more than just my own horse? How do other amateurs deal with this or is it just me?