I had a horse I used to show that I just loved. I looked into his breeding and know his father, but wanted to see if I could get more information on the mare.
His mother was Majbrit. She is a holsteiner born in 1976. She has sired a few breeding stallions in Europe and I was just curious to learn more about her.
She is my Marmor and there is a number by her name. EGH11879. I don’t know what that number is.
If anyone knows more about how to get this kind of info, it would be appreciated!
He isn’t my horse. He was a clients horse when I was showing.
He is by Linaro. He just had the best temperament and was so willing to do anything no matter what. He had the most beautiful face. I was just curious who he resembled most.
Before I bred my mare to Roc USA, I was seriously considering Linaro because I loved this horse so much. But I didn’t because I never could find out enough about the mare.
Obviously the mare was a big part of the equation! Its a shame they don’t give more information about the mothers of these great horses!!
I had the same issue with my TB mare. I found tons of info on her father, but next to nothing about her mother.
I know I’m about 9 years late in replying, but I just posted a photo of Lipton S, the client’s horse you mention (pictured above) from Kentucky Spring in 2002 to Instagram. One of my former trainers, Debbie McIntyre, had recently asked me for a pic of him as she’s working on an album of her best horses over the decades.
She imported him from Denmark in late fall 2001 and I purchased him the following spring. I have all the info on his career and also his pedigree.
If you’re still curious about Majbrit, I will happily rummage through all my old files and folders to find everything I have on her.
It pleases me greatly to know Lipton brought much joy to you. He was one of the finest horses I had the pleasure to have ever been on.