Hi! I just joined this site after many months of lurking and desperate to find the answer to a prolonged issue of mine.
So around a month ago I purchased a lovely draft cross mare who is extremely smart that me and my dad work with together. When we first brought her home I think I made a huge rookie mistake-- I really coddled her, and wasn’t really as dominant as my father was with her initially because our other horses act nothing like her. (I even managed to get our 4 year old filly broke by myself.)
So, now I have a 15 hands, overly intelligent, and pushy, bulky mare, and 5’2 me – and you can imagine how it looks.
She does okay when we first come down to the arena to do groundwork because I do my routine of swaying the rope from side to side behind me to simulate a horse’s tail and to let her know if she tries to walk ahead of me she’ll get hit by the rope; easy.
However, once we’re finally in the arena-- when I lunge her, it takes so much effort to get her into lunging. Because whenever I have her on the lunge line and try to get her to go, instead of running in a circle she either backs up or moves to the side. She obviously does NOT respect my personal bubble and the only way she really lunges is in the round pen after a few smacks on the shoulders and arm waving-- and even then it’s no use-- sometimes i have to embarrassingly drag my dad over into the round pen and get him to get started lunging her.
Here’s another huge issue that’s a blatant red flag-- when I lunged her yesterday she KICKED :eek: at me! Which completely surprised me-- but the moment it happened I shouted a loud “Hey!” and attempted to smack her on the butt with the lunge line; but missed. :ambivalence:
Another issue I have with her is how barn sour she can tend to be. Once she get near the barn she will start to walk in front of me to try to circle me and I end up circling WITH her but add in 2 more circles then continue going the other way, (Which I’m guessing is a bad habit.)
I’m honestly lost and I am desperate for help. My dad is a bit of a horse trainer and she respects him-- no doubt. I also need tons of more groundwork-- But how do I get her to respect me knowing how smart she is?