How to get ads from overlapping posts

Sorry but I am admittedly computer illiterate. When I am trying to read posts the ads are overlapping over the print and I can’t read half of it. Any suggestions on how to fix that? I guess I should mention that my monitor is a 40" tv. Thanks for any suggestions.

Hi Rival ~

Is this happening all of the time in all of the forums or only sporadically? What Internet browser and version are you using?

We had some issues with this problem when the new site went up and the developers have been continuing to tweak things when/if we hear it’s still a problem. It’s almost definitely not a user error situation!

Sometimes if there’s a freakishly long word in a thread title, it’ll force the margins of a column out wider to accommodate it, so that could be the source of the problem…

Let me know any more info you can share. Thanks for the heads up!
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