I’m trying to figure out the best thing to do with our one year old indoor kitty when we have to have some renovations done to the mudroom this summer. The mudroom is off the kitchen, and originally we were thinking we could put up a door to the kitchen and then close off the upstairs bathroom which leads to the stairs into the kitchen so she couldn’t get to the kitchen/mudroom but would still have free reign over most of the house. But I’ve become terrified - to the point of waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about it - that she’ll somehow get through, or the workers will open a door, and she’ll escape. She won’t keep a collar on for more than a few hours, and is microchipped…but our street is so busy I fear she wouldn’t make it long enough to get lost.
The other option is to lock her in the guest bedroom all day, with food.water/litterbox/toys/etc., but, me being me, I’m worried that that’s just cruel - 9 hours in one room, for probably a few weeks? Would she be able to mentally handle that? It seems she’s less likely to get out that way, so even if it seems mean, it’s probably better in the long run?
Any thoughts? Anyone have stories about their cats and renovations?
Part of me wants to just put it off for 10 years, so that she’s older and slower and less likely to try anything, but my husband isn’t going for that!