How to highlight ..........

Please advise how To “highlight” text so it can be copied to a new posting on the same thread.

If you click on the 3 dots down the bottom click on Quote and it will copy all the text for you.

If you only want some of the text do above and delete what you don’t want, or

On an android phone you long press and move the blue bits to the start and finish.

On a non apple laptop you click. Hold down the shift button and use the arrow keys.

On a non apple computer you click and hold and scroll the mouse to the end.

For apple products ask someone else than me.

As so nicely explained by SuzieQNutter, this web site’s format has automatic functions for quoting a post.

You can see under every post, as you read, three tabs, Quote, Flag and Like.

If you click on the Quote tab, that whole post will be quoted for you in the posting window.

You can then add your response there, as I did.

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