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how to hold double reins?

My theory is…

If you have to ask how to hold them, you shouldn’t be using them…

But, you very well could know how, and were just asking opinions, but w/e!

EQ108.2 had a rule change proposal that passed the Board of Directors on 1/15/06:

ADD: “When using 2 reins, the snaffle rein should be on the outside while the curb rein is on the inside”.

HAHA – some of these rule changes are a riot. hadn’t heard that one.

Now I’ll have to pull out all the sidesaddle books and look at the diagrams…

After reading this thread, for a million dollars I can’t tell you how I hold the double reins – I just do… I think it becomes 2nd nature and as BH1 posted, whatever works.

I’ll be interested to read what others post… will drag out the pelham bridle and start using it now that show season is rapidly approaching.

[Mod Note: We copied this post from another thread after GLS recommended it be saved for reference. There’s info on double bridles as well as other tack and dressage topics.]

click on the content menu bar – of item you want to see

its a well informative site www.sustainabledressage.com/tack/bridle.php