This is very kind of you to do this but the only way for you to gain ownership of this horse is if there has been no contact or payment for the horse for over 30 days, a lien (agister’s or stablemen’s) would have to be processed by the barn/property owner who, I am sure, has no interest in doing so if you are paying for/caring for the horse. First step is to see if you can get the BO to do this (you can offer to do the legwork), depending on the state law you can either bid on the horse at auction if that is required, or just take ownership through a deal with the BO after the necessary legal requirements are met, some state’s require you to post notice in a public place (courthouse or newspaper) for the auction and a registered letter has to be sent to the last available address to the owner who abandoned him.
North Carolina property lien law as applicable to boarding horses. Section 3, number C.
Satisfaction of the lien, it is actually easier in North Carolina because this is not a motor vehicle so unless the owner contacts the BO within 10 days of notice of lien (must be filed at courthouse), there is no need for a public sale, and a private sale can be negotiated.
(2) If the property uponwhich the lien is claimed is other than a motor vehicle required to beregistered, the lienor following the expiration of the 30-day period providedby subsection (a) shall issue notice to the person having legal title to theproperty, if reasonably ascertainable, and to the person with whom the lienordealt if different by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.Such notice shall state that a lien has been asserted against specific propertyand shall identify the lienor, the date that the lien arose, the general natureof the services performed and materials used or sold for which the lien isasserted, the amount of the lien, and that the lienor intends to sell theproperty in satisfaction of the lien. The notice shall inform the recipientthat the recipient has the right to a judicial hearing at which time adetermination will be made as to the validity of the lien prior to a saletaking place. The notice shall further state that the recipient has a period of10 days from the date of receipt in which to notify the lienor by registered orcertified mail, return receipt requested, that a hearing is desired and that ifthe recipient wishes to contest the sale of his property pursuant to such lien,the recipient should notify the lienor that a hearing is desired. The noticeshall state the required information in simplified terms and shall contain aform whereby the recipient may notify the lienor that a hearing is desired bythe return of such form to the lienor. Failure of the recipient to notify thelienor within 10 days of the receipt of such notice that a hearing is desiredshall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing prior to sale of theproperty against which the lien is asserted and the lienor may proceed toenforce the lien by public or private sale as provided in this section. If thelienor is notified within the 10-day period provided above that a hearing isdesired prior to sale, the lien may be enforced by sale as provided in thissection only pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
© Private Sale. ?Sale by private sale may be made in any manner that is commercially reasonable.If the property upon which the lien is claimed is a motor vehicle, the sale maynot be made until notice is given to the Commissioner of Motor Vehiclespursuant to G.S. 20-114©. Not less than 30 days prior to the date of theproposed private sale, the lienor shall cause notice to be mailed, as providedin subsection (f) hereof, to the person having legal title to the property, ifreasonably ascertainable, to the person with whom the lienor dealt ifdifferent, and to each secured party or other person claiming an interest inthe property who is actually known to the lienor or can be reasonablyascertained. Notices provided pursuant to subsection (b) hereof shall besufficient for these purposes if such notices contain the information requiredby subsection (f) hereof. The lienor shall not purchase, directly orindirectly, the property at private sale and such a sale to the lienor shall bevoidable.
(d) Request for PublicSale. ? If an owner, the person with whom the lienor dealt, any secured party,or other person claiming an interest in the property notifies the lienor priorto the date upon or after which the sale by private sale is proposed to be made,that public sale is requested, sale by private sale shall not be made. Afterrequest for public sale is received, notice of public sale must be given as ifno notice of sale by private sale had been given.
All the best, I hope you can get him signed over to you.