How to regain confidence after a broken shoulder?

About a year ago I vroke my shoulder because I was bucked off a horse. She was a 13.2 HH Arabian Welsh Cob cross. She was known for bucking and throwing people off but me and my instuctor thought it would okay for me to ride her tackless up a steep hill to the arena beacuse she had many a few lessons and was having a very mellow day. I was only riding with a halter on and a lead rope. She went half way up the hill and then turned around and bucked me off at the bottom of the hill. She jumped at least 3 or 4 feet into the air when I fell and I broke my shouler in 2 different places. I have since switched instructors (not becuase of the accident) the new instructor knows about the accident. I was riding the other day and the horse began crowhopping and I freaked out. I refused to canter hom because i was scared of fallong off and injuring myself again. What can i do to increase my in-saddle confidence? (Sorry if you cant understand what i said. Let me know if i need to retype it)

Get into a good lesson program and ride quiet horses supervised until you are comfortable walk trot and canter in an arena. Don’t ride outside the arena until you feel OK at all gaits.

Do not ride any horse with a known history of bucking. Get off and hand walk at the first sign of trouble. That’s what all us fragile adults who can’t afford to fall off again do!

Don’t ride with yahoos or people that want to gallop everywhere. Don’t ride in programs that keep known buckers as lesson horses. Don’t ride bareback.

Most horses don’t buck under saddle. Avoid the ones that do. Pick better instructors and lesson programs and riding buddies.

And never ever canter home. That’s asking for trouble. Canter away from home only. Basic Horse 101 riding tip.