How to Report a Fake/Spam User?

![]( know how to report when there is a spam post made, but how do I report a specific user? I received the following message from a new user this morning and it is obviously spam:


Jun. 26, 2019, 10:52 AM

you got a nice profile and i really like your profile and i feel it would be nice to get to know you more better.

Here is my email address: (redacted)
I have something very important to discuss with you privately.

hope to hear from you soon.

Susan & Desmond Williams

If you figure it out, please let me know! I’ve received two (so far) private messages today from a user with no forum activity that are titled “hello” but contain no actual message. Previously, I forwarded a problem message to @Moderator 1 and it was remedied, but it would be easier if there was a “mark as spam” option for private messages.


I just deleted it but if anyone knows how to report, I’m all ears.

I received the exact same message.

Awww, now I’m feeling left out!

i agree it would be nice having a report option for messages.

I also got a message today from a “Susan” - slightly different than yours @GutsNGlory. The user name was suswill I think. Is that who sent yours?


Here is my email address: (
I have something very important to discuss with you
hope to hear from you soon.


I received that exact one today.

Suswill is who sent the private message I received.

This is who I’m getting messages from, but all the messages I’ve received thus far have been blank.

There was a blank message above the one that had the typed message for me. I’m thinking some sort of BOT is responsible and not a human sending all these messages and probably hacked this users account. The actual real person who owns the account is probably unaware.

Weird, count me as left out unless it just hasn’t gotten to my part of the alphabet :lol:


@4LeafCloverFarm Yes, it was from suswill. Was marked as a Greenie and didn’t appear to be any forum activity yet except for messaging a large number of users apparently…

I just got this PM too. Would like to know how to report so that mods can block this poster. Obviously spam.

Mods? Can you take a look and do what needs to be done. thanks

I got one too

I got one too, same

We deleted all messages sent by this user (50 something) and banned the account. I’ll check PMs to see if you can still report them any way… you can also forward the PM to me and so we can address it.
