How to report a Spam post(s)

There are several new threads in Dressage forum that are spam. How to I flag them?

Here is link to one of them…on#post9689154

Click on the little flag on the right hand side bottom of the offending post?

Duh…obviously I need more coffee this morning…or new glasses. Thanks!

But interestingly…I went to report the threads. Both had replies that said “Reported” but one did not have the last poster’s thread…still kept OP’s name.

The thread(s) in question only post like 30 links to other web sites…

Just fyi in case there is more hacking.

There is a problem with how soon new posts show in the main pages, even avatars from one poster is still there, with the name of the next poster by it?

That has been happening since we changed forum’s platforms, has been reported, guess they are also working on that glitch.


It may help if many people flag the spam posts? That may get the Moderator’s attention.
There seems to be a real problem. Spam everywhere.

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We’ve been getting a lot of spam of that similar type (those titles with the double commas, etc.) and I’ve reported the issue to the developers to see if there are steps we can take to address it more effectively.

One report per spam thread is fine, though it’s no problem if there are duplicates…just have a few more things to click through.

We don’t have 24-hour, or even full-time, moderation, so our apologies if we get walloped with a bunch of spam in between checks of the site. We appreciate your patience!

And BTW, to put some minds at ease, a spam post is not the same as being hacked. Spam is just someone/some machine that wants to post an ad, so he/it creates an account and starts a thread, just like a real user. They are not infiltrating the system or compromising the security of the site. Just don’t click on any suspect random links you see posted and it should not affect you other than being super-annoying.

In my 9 1/2 years as moderator (yikes!), I’ve only been aware of one period where we were actually hacked…and that was late last year, when there were redirects to advertising sites inserted from our Google search results. That’s why we had that impromptu software update that left us with some non-functional forum tools while we finished up this version of the site that was already in the works.

Thanks everyone!
Mod 1

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I would say, the way this new version of the site is not coming across very user friendly, not even talking about the glitches that keep showing up.

I know it is a work in progress, so will be patient, but I understand why some more short on patience are getting frustrated trying to navigate around learning new paths and the glitches that makes that a random exercise, never knowing if we really get thru.

The site itself is really neat, the avatars nice to see to navigate by, just some of the functions don’t seem to be as easy to get around as they should be.

I expect this is immensely more frustrating on the Moderator’s end than for those of us that can walk away and wait this out to try later.