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How to wash gel half pad?

Title pretty much says it all. I just finished cleaning up and going through my shelves in the barn and found my gel saddle pad that I’ve been wanting to use. Yay! But now the equigel pad has some mold on it and I can’t find any instructions online on how to wash it. Any suggestions would be lovely!

might try using vinegar as vinegar has antifungal and antibacterial properties


OK thanks! I figured vinegar would take care of the mold but I wanted to be careful with chemicals and the gel, but I’ll give it a try!

If it’s one that has a poly cotton cover on it (permanent, not removable) toss it in the washer with whatever (vinegar or bleach + regular soap) and then lay it flat to dry. I used to set mine on top of the dryer while I was drying other things and the warmth coming up through the top of the dryer would dry it pretty quickly.

Awesome! Thank you! I was hoping I could throw it in the washer but couldn’t find anything saying that it was OK.

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