Howm long after broken hip can I ride again?

I broke my hip in a bad fall while jumping. It was my fault, not the horses. I simply lost my balance over the last jump because I let my mind wander. This happened on February 26, 1917. It has been four months since my surgery. The doctor said my muscles in my right leg have atrophied, but I can get the muscles back from exercise. I have no intention of selling my two wonderful horses. I pay a trainer to ride them until I can ride again. Has anyone broke their hip and was able to ride again??? How long does it take to heal? I ashed my surgeon and he said I will be able to ride again, but not until my muscles come back. He does not know anything about horses. I am really upset because the healing is taking so long. I have had lots of horse-related injuries because I always broke and trained my young horses, but I can’t do that anymore for obvious reasons. Both my horses are well-trained hunters and do not spook easily. Does anyone know any exercises or had a broken hip? If you did, how long does it take to heal. I had physical therapy, but it did not help much. My leg still hurts and it stiff. I will not give up riding. I have had horses all my life and the two I have now are wonderful. Any advice??? Thank you!!!

Are you still doing the exercises the therapist gave you?

The hip is a huge bone. Bones take a while to heal but good news if your surgeon didn’t have any issues with exercise.

I think the guideline for rebuilding muscle is that it takes twice as long to build it back up as it did to loose it :frowning:

Can you join a fitness center to start working on muscle and core strength in conjunction with the exercises the therapist gave you.

If you are still having range of motion issues, you might need a few more appointments with a therapist to learn exercises (that you might need to do with another person) to work on range of motion.

PT isn’t a “get therapy, you’re healed” frequently. Frequently it is work on whatever problems you’re having and then continue that work when you’re done with formal therapy.

That has taken a long time! (Sorry, OP, not making fun of you :))

Get thee to a physical therapist who specializes in sports medicine and understands that you want to get back into riding shape. They can give you exercises that you can perform at home or at the gym (or most of our local physical therapists have a gym attached that you can continue to use after your prescribed therapy is over, but this is a town full of middle aged sporty people who are constantly injuring themselves.)

Do not give up. You are only 4 months in to this (give or take 100 years) and there is a lot of healing to do.

Talk with some therapeutic riding programs and get the names of a couple of PTs who know horses and hips. You may be able to ride now, with proper supervision by a horse savvy PT.