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Human bone spurs…any insights

I’ve been getting progressively lame, and of course ignoring it for a long time. Being non weight bearing on Monday morning made me think it was time to get checked out, and seems my feet are old, and I have a bone spur.

There is mild osteoarthritis of the interphalangeal joints of the left foot. Also mild osteoarthritis
of the first MTP articulation.

There is a large plantar calcaneal spur.

So it’s either take me behind the barn and shoot me, or find a good farrier to correct this!

There must be more of us out there, tell me your human bone spur stories.

I had a bone spur on my left knee that was irritating the patellar tendon. I also have Osgood Schlatters disease on that knee. Had surgery my junior year of high school because the pain had become chronic. This was before arthroscopic surgery, so I had to wear a leg immobilizer for 6 weeks. The pain went away. With all of the surgical advancements of the last 40 years, I wouldn’t hesitate to have it removed. The pain was no joke. Good luck!

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@alpine1 they look great, but I wear so many changes of footwear I’m wondering if custom orthotics is the way to go. Definitely need to make my cowboy boots comfortable again!

Try some bodywork. I have found seeing a McTimony chiropractor regularly has eliminated chronic pain in my knees.

@alpine1, hopefully the weather lets me do this…many pairs of footwear sounds like a fashionista, the truth is…

Warm winter rider leather boots because it’s been minus lots for ever.

Better weather walking, and working leather boots.

Ariat Terrains whenever possible, unless wet, then Muck Boots.

Cowboy boots to ride, unless too cold, then Winter riders, maybe terrains

One pair of good walking sneakers, bought in December, just started wearing them now as spring is here, if you discount the last snow fall we had on Wednesday :rofl:


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Have you considered getting a gait analysis done? My local sports store will do an analysis of customers’ leg angles to get the right fit of running shoe. It is very simple, just a video of the customer running on a treadmill then the knowledgeable one drawing a line on a still image from the centre of the back of the knee down the centre of the heel. The degree of variance says which insoles to use to correct the divergent angles. It meant I could take up jogging because it no longer wrecked my knees. Just a thought.


@Willesdon I have an appointment on Tuesday with a pedorthist, to discuss options for orthotics. Recommended by my GP, so will see what he says first.


Yesterday was interesting, trotted many a horse up for the vet, never to have my gait examined.

Seems that apart from the mild arthritis and bone spur that the x-rays found, I also have plantar fasciitis, because that and bone spurs go together, in a “who smokes the cigarette first” kind of contest.

Then there’s the Equinus, which I had never heard of, but feel kindly towards, just because of the equine bit! In case, like me, you haven’t heard of it…

Equinus is a condition in which the upward bending motion of the ankle joint is limited. Someone with equinus lacks the flexibility to bring the top of the foot toward the front of the leg. Equinus can occur in one or both feet. When it involves both feet, the limitation of motion is sometimes worse in one foot than in the other.

Which makes me wonder about my leg position on the left when riding.

Then there is the whole stiff feet thing, but hey I don’t have navicular!

So $400 for a set of orthotics, which should last for life, and me being me, I took my most used footwear to get him to check and make sure that it would help in every case, which he says it will. It made me laugh, really struggling to agree to $400 to make me sound, $130 every 6 weeks to put shoes on Mellow to keep him sound wasn’t a big decision to make.

Next step RMT to see about the Equinus, see if we can stretch it out!


I’ve had my fair share of bone spurs, it depends on where I am in my surgery cycle (I just recovered from number 7). I’ve had some very large ones in my ankle, a bit different from having them in your foot, but a lot of what has been mentioned has been very helpful for me as well. Certain angles of your foot will either add or relieve pressure, so trying out a few high quality and supportive shoes until you find one that works is a good options. I’m a big fan of Hokas and I’ve also had really good luck with Sperrys, I think it can be very personal what works and doesn’t as far as footwear.

For the plantar fasciitis freezing a poland spring water bottle and rolling your foot over it can be helpful. Sometimes ice would help with my bone spur pain and sometimes it made it worse due to the arthritis. CBD products have also been great.

Good luck on your journey! I’ve ultimately had mine cleaned up a few times along with many other corrections and procedures on my problem ankle.

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So orthotics do not last for a lifetime unless you are planning on dying in the next few years.
Orthotics are great for the majority of people and can make a real difference with knee, hip and back pain. In my husbands case orthotics with a certain pair of runners have saved him considerable pain. We buy him new runners every 6 months and new orthotics every two years.

Unfortunately not everyone is better in them. I have broken both ankles and have arthritis. Due to the arthritis orthotics do not work for me. My ankles have fused with a slight bend. Orthotics try to straighten that bend and just makes all of me hurt. So I am stuck with Birkenstocks for now.

Investing in shoes and orthotics is worth every penny tho! Here is a link to some info about orthotic lifespan. https://www.sunsheinpodiatry.com/blog/how-long-will-my-orthotics-last/

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