Humira and weight gain?

Hello — I met with my rheumatologist today and she wants me to start on Humira. I’ve been Googling (dangerous, I know) and I’ve seen a lot of people who say that they’ve gained a really significant (15+ pounds) while on Humira.

So, I am asking anyone who has taken Humira: was/is that your experience? I absolutely do not want to gain weight. I struggle in that area as it is and I don’t really need any more “help” in that area.

Thanks I’m advance for your time and thoughts.

I don’t have personal experience. However, a friend’s daughter (pre-teen, so even a different age group than you) went on it due to extreme issues with ulcerative colitis. She was under the care of specialists at a highly-regarded children’s hospital. Fast forward a year. She developed major heart problems and was hospitalized in the PICU of a major university research hospital this fall for weeks, truly on the brink of death. Doctors there are certain her heart problems are from taking Humira. She has been able to come home, but they are still unsure if the damage to her heart is reversible. She wears an external vest monitor/defibrillator that will shock her if she goes into cardiac arrest.

This answer doesn’t address your question about weight gain at all. But it does relay the only personal experience I know about Humira.

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I was on Humira for 13 years and loved it. I had no side effects, and it was the most effective treatment I’ve had in 22 years of RA. I always struggle with my weight, and I don’t feel Humira made any difference. I had times of gaining (what a surprise, it was when I was overeating) and times that I lost weight (from getting my eating under control).

My perspective on RA meds is that it’s hard enough to find something that works. If you start avoiding meds because of what happened to someone else, you are setting yourself up to fail. One thing my RA journey has taught me is that it’s a different disease in each individual. The only way to know what effect a particular med will have on you is to try it.

I wish we didn’t develop antibodies to DMARDs and biologics. I would have happily stayed on Humira forever, but it stopped working for me. I haven’t found anything else that works anywhere near as well since then.



Thank you both for your feedback! It has been a LONG 10 years and if Humira can help, well, I guess I have to suck it up. I will admit vanity and poor self-esteem played into the sudden panic when I read some of the feedback regarding people gaining so much weight. But I am hopeful that it will help me feel even better so I can ride and train more.

Hope you both have an lovely holiday 🙂

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