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Hunter/Jumper lessons/coaching in Winnipeg, Manitoba?

Hey all,

I am strongly considering moving to Winnipeg in the next year or so, and am wondering what the Hunter/Jumper scene is like out that way? I am currently on the West Coast in Canada.

I am in my mid-twenties, have been riding for about 8 years and currently do not own a horse, so would need somewhere that has lesson horses or the ability to lease one of their horses. I am not very competitive, but enjoy participating in schooling shows and don’t really have aspirations of jumping beyond .90m :stuck_out_tongue:

I have looked on the Manitoba Horse Council website, and a lot of the barns seem to focus on Western, which is neat, but I’d rather stick to English.

If anyone knows anything about the local barns, show scene, etc, I would be incredibly grateful!


Eastridge Farms has Eric Martin and his wife. Out of the 2 barns that I know if they’d probably be my first choice. Keep in mind though, that Eric now does many of the big shows so travels a bit.
Northfield Farms has Herman Schweizer.

For shows I have no knowledge of their local circuit, but every March/April their is the Brandon Royal Winter Fair, which gets riders from all over Western Canada , a few from East Canada and some from Wisconsin etc. They used to have a large summer show called "Heart of the Continent " but I believe that’s turned into a much smaller show due to most people heading over to Thunderbird nowin Vancouver.

It’s a fairly small scene, but they have a good number of shows in Brandon & Winnipeg, and the people are very nice. I used to show in Winnipeg in the summer.

I don’t really know all the barns, but there is a decent H/J scene! (For a city the size/location of Winnipeg - it’s not going to have a scene like Calgary, unfortunately).

Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions and I can try to find out, or pass them along to the people I know in Winnipeg.