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Hunting FAQs -- copy, link, add useful info here!

We wanted to provide this FAQ thread as a work space for you to create a reference thread for your forum.

Find yourself answering the same question or providing the same info over and over? Post it here!

Think there’s a terrific thread that serves as a great reference on a given subject? If it has a funky title, folks may not find it. Post a link here!

While the site’s main FAQ forum and help forum can be of help on general questions, this thread can serve as a handy reference for this particular forum for new and seasoned users alike.

We’d also like to remind new users that the “search” and “advanced search” features are a great way to look for existing information on a topic you’re interested in before posting a new thread – click through via the light blue bar above.

Please remember, we can’t keep every thread on the forum due to size constraints, so if the thread you’re linking to is shorter and older, it may face the chopping block by default. If you think it’s worthy of linking to here, give me a heads up, and we can probably save it in the safe harbor of the reference forum!

We may come in and pare out commentary from this thread periodically to keep it concise.

Thanks and hope this thread is helpful!
Mod 1

Must-have links

The Masters of Foxhounds Association has some great basic info on hunting and attire here- http://www.mfha.org/abfo.aspx
Roster of hunt clubs by state- http://www.mfha.org/memberhunts.aspx
The “Bible” of hunting in America everyone should buy- http://uspcbooks.stores.yahoo.net/ritohoinam.html

Video on how to tie a stock tie- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKnGnyF7LwY

If you’re in/near VA- www.foxhuntva.com

I have been hunting with my uncle since my child hood. I would not say that we do hunting for lions. I went hunting with my uncle for different birds and especially fishing. I love hunting because its one of the adventuring event. Fishing is my favorite when camping on river and waiting for some fishing.

Information on correct attire, hunting etiquette, glossary of terms, calls on the hunting horn, hunting literature and more is available at http://www.foxhuntinglife.com. Subscribers with questions on hunting receive authoritative answers from a recognized Panel of Experts. Directory listings for lodging, stabling, and hunting livery stables are a resource for traveling foxhunters.

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Thank you!

Thank you mods for this! It’s sorely needed! Good job!


Justin boots and music–part two

Justin boots and music–part two

Favorite Justin boots: Style #3171 – Black Full Quill Ostrich Roper–George Strait has dominated the country music scene with 25 Platinum albums and 37 number one singles. He has broken one box office record after another and has produced and headlined one of the biggest and highest grossing live music festivals. George started thinking about music during his three year stint in the army. He bought a cheap guitar and some Hank Williams songbooks and went about teaching himself some songs. He got a band and started to play, eventually entertaining the troops. He later found his band, Ace in the Hole, by posting a notice on a campus bulletin board saying “COUNTRY SINGER NEEDS BAND.”

Favorite Style #3186 – Cognac Full Quill Ostrich Roper. Justin brands is proud to have the George Strait collection of Justin boots that grows every year. A truly remarkable fellow, most people don’t know that George’s share of the profits from his boot collection goes to charity. This brand is versatile too, from rodeo arenas to the pages of fashion magazines, our boots have the ability to fit virtually any lifestyle. They have recently been featured in fashion spreads in Cosmopolitan, CosmoGIRL and YM Magazine. For Fine western boots, ropers and cowboy styles, known around the world, buy with confidence from Justin Boots.

Justin boots, just the right song, just the in music in everyone’s heart.

good one mate

Recent 2011 threads on how to start hunting:



These have a Georgia flavor to them, but they serve as a great starting place for anyone looking to hunt for the first time.

Is there a hunt near"____________"

Go to the MFHA directory on the internet. Link given second post.

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If You Need Used Hunting Garb

Check ebay
Old Habit in VA

Use Google for thses

I cannot figure out how to search the Hunting Discussion Forum? There isn’t any light blue bar? Just a light blue post bar… thanks

I cannot figure out how to search the Hunting Discussion Forum? There isn’t any light blue bar? Just a light blue post-bar… thanks

I cannot figure out how to search the Hunting Discussion Forum? There isn’t any light blue bar? Just a light blue post-bar… thanks

I cannot figure out how to search the Hunting Discussion Forum? There isn’t any light blue bar? Just a light blue post-bar… thanks

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