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HURRICANES - what do you do with your horses?

[QUOTE=Lori T;8677860]
Hey, Stephanie!
Here is a blog I wrote a few years ago:

Mine are never out in storms, I prefer to take my chances with the barn rather than lightning, flying debris, downed fences, etc.
You really should not have anything to worry about in Groveland. Hurricane Charlie hit us bad in 2004, but that was a fluke and I think Groveland did just fine.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Lori!! :smiley:

This is an amazing read in meek and mild BC – well, the Big One may hit one day. Seems like often you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

Good luck everyone. It would have helped me, geographically stunted as I am, if you could have put your locations if you felt like it. Can’t imagine seeing
drowned carcasses all around from flooding.

Can you put ID halters on, or neck straps? Terrifying.


 Can’t imagine seeing
drowned carcasses all around from flooding.


Google “hurricane dead animals” and you’ll find abundant images of horrors. But I don’t recommend doing this.

It is not always intentional that animals are left behind. Owners can find themselves out of place and unable to return to homes and farms due to flood waters that rose more rapidly than people expected. When options become limited, the priority becomes the humans, of course. But it can be terrible for the creatures we have made dependent on us.

As bad as it can be, it was even worse before forecasting, communications and planning improved. Hurricane Betsy in 1965 devastated rural southern Louisiana, with flooding that lasted 10+ days. One can imagine what was found when this receded 



Horses being rescued in south Texas floods. This kind of flooding can occur during and after a hurricane.


