Hurts to squeeze?

So when I get on my horse the outside of my hips hurt. When I go to squeeze it hurts more. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is tender although the chiro found it immediately, which makes it hard for me to foam roll or work it. Anyone have any ideas for what I can do here?

Ask the chiro how to work it on your own?

Might be some bursitis, which can’t really foam roll out. Ice could help. A little steroid would be better.

Could also be your IT band? That will roll out pretty well.

How about a really good massage guy? I see one who is a medical/sports massage specialist, and he keeps me going. It’s amazing how much stuff he finds that hurts! :lol: But he’s also able to work on all the supporting structures and weird imbalances. It’s crazy (and sooo unfair) just how everything is tied together.

I do not know if this will help you.

I have bursitis in my left hip joint, it does not bother me all the time and I have learned to move so as not to cause pain.

Recently, while playing with my whole position, I noticed that my hips did not hurt UNLESS I gripped (upper calf) while my feet were parallel to the horse (toe pointing forward.) This bursitis pain lasted for several days.

If my toes are pointing out (approximately 45 degrees) my bursitis does not bother me at all, during the ride or afterwards.

This is mildly exasperating for me, when I am up in two-point my whole leg seems to rotate my toes inward until they point straight ahead. Now I have to concentrate on keeping my toes pointing out some or my hip joint starts to hurt.

Could be your saddle or you need a MRI. A wide twist may cause hip pain in many women even if you’ve had the saddle for a while , we change, bodies change but if you want to ride get a diagnosis.
And thats not your hip joint , the outside is most likely bursitis as Jackie states, still different stirrups and saddle can make all the difference. You can’t push through inflammation.
If it hurts in front where you leg joins your hip then that’s your hip joint.
Do you ride a wide horse?
No foam work this is Inflammation, ice women ICE it.
would you take a inflamed leg on a horse and keep working him, no so be sensible treat yourself as well as your horse and also that anti-inflammatory cream- starts with a V , get it from Canada its 20$ OTC, here its a fortune .

Hey so I should have updated this! It was actually really weak adductors, which were pulling my hip socket into the acetabulum and causing pain, which was causing other issues because it was limiting my ability to engage my leg muscles correctly. My legs aren’t straight and it caused the muscles to be loaded in an odd way that resulted in the inner leg muscles weakening. A few weeks of pilates/work with an exercise ball resolved this near 100%.

My instructor also reattached my stirrup leathers in a way that makes them turn out more, and that helped. Might be useful for anyone else finding themselves having this issue.

Oh I know you won’t like this but why are you squeezing when you ride? Maybe that’s how you got bursitis . Kindly I suggest some lessons, touching their side ok but Squeezing?

When I say squeezing I mean putting pressure on the horse’s side with your legs. I take lessons with a qualified, licensed instructor…honestly this seems a little bit rude to me? I know you aren’t supposed to clamp your legs around the horse, but when you squeeze even with your calves your whole leg needs to articulate.

She was able to help me out so I wasn’t experiencing discomfort, it just took a bit.

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