Hypo episodes with Type II diabetes

I am a type II diabetic, well controlled with metformin + chromium. A1C between 6.2 and 6.4. Waking blood glucose between 97 and 107. At this point, I know what I can and can’t consume in the way of carbs.

Every couple of months though, I’ll have a hypo episode for no reason I can think of. Today was one of them. I was running errands and was sitting down to lunch when I started bottoming out. I didn’t have my meter with me, so I don’t know how low I was - if I had to guess, I’d say in the 50’s… I asked for a small amount of regular soda from the waitress, drank about 3 oz (should be about 12 or 13 carbs) and forced myself to eat half my chicken flatbread sandwich. I’m now at 80 and have the usual mild headache, feel like total shit after-effects.

The ONLY thing I can think of is that I had an extra cup of coffee. My internist says metformin won’t cause hypo episodes. Personally, I don’t think that’s completely true.

Do any of you all ever drop like this? During the course of a regular day?

Exercise can affect your blood sugar. And sometimes I really believe the weather can too. I’m on insulin only, so my situation is completely different; but, I have to be careful about exercise as that can drop my blood sugar over 100 points in short order.

It’s hard to predict how our bodies will function day to day. Some days are more resistant and some aren’t. In over 50 years, I have never figured out why. That’s why I blame the weather.

I think you’re right suspecting the caffeine. Caffeine causes an insulin spike which drops your sugar too fast. Space it out/ drink less/ dilute it or eat more with it.
Part of the curse that is type 2 are these episodes; they are normal. They will happen. Sounds like you’re right on top of it. Best wishes!