Hysterectomy - feeling too good

Had a hysterectomy and bladder repair surgery last Wednesday, I feel like I could ride my horse, at least physically. I know I shouldn’t, and I won’t, but I am almost worried that I feel so good. I only took pain meds for a couple of days, and now only taking Advil. After hearing so many horror stories I am a little concerned. How soon did you resume normal activities? As a note, surgery was done with the DiVinci.

I had the standard abdominal surgery, but I was pretty much back to normal in a week or so. Really not bad at all, but didn’t ride for 6 weeks. Since it was mid-winter, wasn’t terribly tempted.

I had DaVinci hysterectomy plus removal of tubes & ovaries in Mid-October. I felt very good very quickly, but I did have a good bit of discomfort from “colicking” due to reactions to the pain meds they gave me. I did not take any pain meds after getting home from the hospital, but the damage was done and it took me several days to deal with my colic issues. I kept wishing the vet could come and give me Banamine and oil me!

I also felt like I could do a lot of things very quickly, but I did not because I did not want to risk adhesions, etc. Surprisingly, the thing that bothered me the most was trying to use the vacuum cleaner! I have an upright model and the pushing and pulling back made me feel like all of my insides were being yanked back and forth. Believe me I immediately stopped and told my husband he was on vacuum duty for an indefinite time. I am now 8+ weeks post surgery and I am able to vacuum now although I still take my husband up on his offer to do the rugs. I do the hardwood and the tile.

I have not ridden yet but that is because of all the rain. Honestly, we are nothing but mush around here!

Good luck with your recovery and do take it easy for another few weeks at least.

DO NOT DO IT… for the love of all things inside your body do not do it.

I had a 1 cm Kidney stone that wasn’t coming out on its own. No way no how. So I had the Shockwave Treatment on Thursday.

I have been dealing with this since October. I didn’t know it was a stone until 3 weeks ago, the Dr. gave me pain meds and sent me on my way. Last Tuesday at 2:30 I am in hair pulling, kicking, screaming pain that I can not describe adequately to make you even imagine how much pain I was in. I learned in the ER it was 1cm… or half an inch… a stone they consider big is 4 MM I had a 1 CM

So I had the Shockwave therapy done to crush it up. Felt great on Friday, the best day ever. I was up, I was perky, NO pain, I was feeling SO good. I went to a Horse Show yesterday. BIG BIG BIG mistake. I took half a pain pill to keep the edge off (It was a fun show) No big deal. I got through the show fine, I was in a little pain, took another half at dinner, I was fine, we all joked and laughed about being on pain meds, people asking if I wanted some duct tape or a seatbelt for my horse… it was a good time…but By the time I went to pick up my horse from the stable to take him home I was crippled with pain. I got the horses loaded, went to my MILs house for a Birthday present (It was my Bday yesterday too) I didn’t make it into the house. My husband and BIL had to carry me in. I was screaming in so much pain, writhing and screaming. They got me in a hot bath to try and loosen my back muscles, it wasn’t hot enough, I got two perocets down and spent 45 minutes trying to breathe through the worst pain possible while I was being held down so my back would relax enough to unclench my back and side and get my body to relax. Finally the Percocet made its way through and I was numb enough to ride home laying down in the backseat of the truck.

I stayed in bed all day today and I have an appt to tomorrow to go check out a nearby covered arena to ride in. I am gonna go check it out and go back to bed and I will be in bed til Christmas eve where I will be up long enough to get to the MILs house where I will again be in bed.

PLEASE PLEASE let yourself heal… don’t be a moron like me…Nothing keeps me down for very long and I am stupid for it. Take my word on this. You will be SO much better if you heal a little bit before you try to go and ride. Let me be your PSA…A semi truck fully loaded running over me and backing up to do it again would have been heaven compared to the pain I had yesterday.

You may feel great, but work up to it. I am going to be riding lesson horses for the next few weeks, 10-15 minutes here and there to build the muscles again…you wouldn’t believe how much kidney is involved in riding. That won’t start til the new year… no one will let me near a horse or a saddle after yesterday.

I am relaxing. Trying not to do too much. I called the doc today to see if I could use my elliptical no resistance or incline. No. So the better I feel the worse cabin fever I get. I have big plans for my ponies this year so better to wait than have a set back.

Yup… Its best to have some cabin fever then being set back and having to be in recovering for even longer. I have big plans as well, but its better to let our organs rest and heal so we can come back kickin ass.

Use Horsewomen…we are a tough sort. I have been thrown and broken my wrist and had the wind knocked out of me… when I could breathe again I wrapped my wrist in vet wrap and kept on going through the show.

Nothing keeps me down and I have a huge tolerance for pain. If I am asking to go to the hospital you know it is bad. When my horse mistook me for something other than me and bit my arm I screamed at him and kept on going. It healed fine, but my Momma who is a retired nurse said the small lump I had at the end of my healing was a stress fracture and I probably should have gone to the ER and had a splint or something.