Love this story:
Sort of the mirror-image of this:
Great story (reminds me of the Black Stallion.)
I especially liked the ending.
Love this!
Re: the second clip. I was up at Cabin Creek right after the Zippy Chippy book was released. They were selling a few copies “signed” by Zippy Chippy himself in the gift shop. I had to laugh when the owner of the farm recounted the tale of how the staff almost died trying to conduct the “book signing” and promised there would be no more signed copies made after those sold out! He certainly is the loveable curmudgeon.
My, my allergies are giving me fits! Must be dusty in here. <3
I could watch the one about Zippy Chippy. The first link says it is not available in my country.
Love it. Love standardbreds. Had one when I was a kid and my neighbors raced them.
The second one I couldn’t open :(.