I am out of ideas.

I’m done. I give up. I don’t know what to do.

I have fibromyalgia. Everything hurts, all the time. I am missing tons of work, and I don’t think that can continue for much longer. I hate my job - I’d probably like it if I didn’t spend every moment waiting to go home so I can sleep and escape the pain. It’s an office job, so it’s not exactly hard work or anything.

I have to horses. One is leased out, the other has a partboarder. I am terrified that I am going to lose them. They are pretty much the only true enjoyment in my life - I only get to see them once a week, really because the rest of the time I’m too sick.

I live with my parents (just graduated university, the job is my first “real” job). Trying to save up money to get a car/move out/ect, but it’s kind of impossible when I miss so many days of work. Parents understand as much as they can, but I feel like a failure. My dad has a chronic disease too and he’s done the whole career/family/good life thing anyway. This makes me feel like even more of a failure because I just can’t measure up.

I’m usually at my boyfriend’s about half of the week. He too is wonderful and understanding, but still doesn’t get it. We have 3 cats and a rabbit together. When I’m at his house is basically (aside from the barn) the only happiness I get. Mostly I just sleep and rest when I am there. There is no sex or anything, because a) I’m always in pain and B) I don’t care. I wish I was interested, for the boyfriend’s sake but I’d honestly rather just hug a cat and go to bed.

I have depression and anxiety, alongside the fibro. They’re just getting worse. I feel like a whiner and a failure. I don’t go to work because I don’t care - I know I need to suck it up and go, but I just don’t care. I don’t care about anything, except for my animals.

I’m getting fat because of the meds, and because aside from my once a week ride, I don’t do anything. I can’t do anything. Anything more than once a week = me missing work.

I’m on the meds, I’ve done the therapy. There are a lot of things i could do (eat healthier, ect.) but I just don’t care. I have given up and resigned myself to the fact that I will be in pain for the rest of my life.

I’m not suicidal. My life is pretty good, despite all of that. However, if I was hit by a bus today, I wouldn’t care.

I just don’t know what to do.

Thanks for listening, COTH.

Print this out and hand it to your psychiatrist or the ER. You might not feel suicidal but you sure seem like it. Being a chronic pain sufferer I understand how you can get to that point. You need help.

I just made an appointment with my doctor for tonight, I’ll discuss this with her then. Thanks for giving me the push I needed Laurie.

Great. Sometimes you really need to be the squeaky wheel to get someone to listen and think outside the box to find a solution. That is hard to do when you don’t feel like doing anything. BE COOPERATIVE! If they suggest in-patient, do it. Jingles for good news.

And don’t be afraid to ask Herr Doktor to think outside the box… homeopathic, etc. XXOO

Please see a doctor - you should not have to live in constant pain. Ask about a referral to a pain clinic or a Dr who specializes in pain management. My dad is also a sufferer and has been helped immensely. Pain can make you feel hopeless - managing it will help you gain control again. HUGS

No words of wisdom. Just sending strengthening thoughts your way.

OK, so it is the day after your doctor’s appointment. So how are you?

Sending jingles …

I’m… okay. We’re switching the fibro medication I’m currently on to Lyrica, and once I get used to that I will be increasing the dose of my anti-depressant. Once that has had time to work it’s magic, I may start seeing a therapist again. Who knows.

I’m looking in to getting a dog - something to give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and to make me exercise. But I live with my parents, so they obviously have to be on board. Well it may seem a bit weird, I really think this is key to getting me through it. I live (literally) for my animals.

Thank you all for your support.

Curious how OP is doing…

Hugs, prayers and jingles to you!!

My e-mail hhussain@live.ca. We need to chat, I’m 30 now and was in your place after a car accident in 2009 for years. I get it, but you need me to keep pushing you to get answers. You can’t stop searching because the alternative is the nightmare you’re living right now.