I Am Terribly Discouraged

Well, another doctor seems to be determined to cripple me.

I “divorced” my last neurologist because he was DETERMINED to take me off the medicine that has controlled my MS for the last 19 years, Dronabinol (Marinol) because it was “off label” for MS. Instead he put me on Gilenya (which costs $72,000 a year), which I took myself off of because, for the first time of my life, I started to lose control of my bowels. Well, he referred me to another neurologist but I can’t see him until October, AND he absolutely refused to give me a new prescription for the Dronabinol leaving me with no effective way to control my MS once my pills run out, which will happen in a week or so.

So I went to my primary care physician hoping he would give me a prescription for enough Dronabinol to last until my appointment with my new neurologist, and he said he would look into it. My old neurologists office has REFUSED to send my primary care doctor any of my records, and because of this today I got word from my primary care doctor that he won’t even give me a temporary prescription to tide me over until my appointment with the new neurologist.

I am SO DISCOURAGED! I’ve cut down my already inadequate dose of the Dronabinol trying to make it last but I am getting perilously close to where I WILL have an MS attack after 15 years or so of not having an attack. How do I know this? I’ve been through this before, with the Dronabinol cut off and me getting an attack when the amount I took got too low to control my immune system.

Unfortunately for me my next door neighbor is a policeman, so I cannot risk going the illegal route, not that I could afford it anyway.

So I am facing becoming crippled again. I dug out my wheeled walker, which I have not had to use for over a decade. If I become unable to walk I could get an electric wheelchair from Medicare, but I got myself out of the wheelchair 19 years ago and I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK TO USING ONE.

But the modern medical field seems determined to cripple me because the only drug that works on making my MS better is off label for MS, while the doctors cheerfully prescribe me other drugs off label and are quite willing to put me on opiates for pain, even though the opiates and 1) addictive and 2) lethal if too much is taken by accident (my memory is not the best).

But I seemed to be doomed. The doctors are quite willing to prescribe me drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis though I’ve never had RA, or prescribe me a chemotherapy drug though I do not have and never had cancer, or try me on several other drugs with horrible side effects that are off-label for MS.

How will I be able to get up on a horse if I can’t even stand up? The handicapped riding program nearest to me would only let me ride once a week (and I need at least two rides a week so I can walk securely with just two canes), and reserves the summer time for children, and summer is the time that I REALLY need to ride horses to keep walking.

I am heartbroken. I have worked so hard ever since 1993, when I was diagnosed, to keep myself out of the wheelchairs, to keep walking, to keep riding horses, and not end up bed bound, but now the doctors seem determined to cripple me for life.

Thank you all for reading this. I know you all can’t do much to help me, but I just had to get this off my chest. I would break down crying, but when I break down crying it tends to rapidly, as in immediately, cause an MS exacerbation, the last thing I need right now.

If only I could find a doctor willing to help me, but right now I am losing all hope of finding one that wants to keep me walking instead of crippling me worse than I am already.

I am so sorry. I have nothing to offer except my prayers and jingles.

I also am so very sorry - reading what you wrote makes me furious for you – I really hope your doctors (both past and present) can get their heads out their ass and see how much the medication has helped you. I also am bewildered by some of the staunch positions medical professionals partake in -my best friend’s sister has been juggling JRA for 27 years and they give her the runaround every damn time. It’s awful. Jingles and hugs.

Absurd! Can you contact an attorney (Cowgirl on this board is an attorney and has some contact with the medical industry), or a patient advocacy group? This is ridiculous. Your physician CANNOT refuse to release your medical records. HIPPA says you can have them anytime. Go get them yourself and hand carry them to the other doctor. There is also a website where you can write a reveiw about various doctors and practices. I will try to find it. If you have a new neurologist, but are waiting for the appt, I would contact the office immediately and explain your situation and request an emergency visit to facilitate your medications being prescribed. Contact the MS society for assistance as well. If that gets you nothing, call ALL the TV stations and news outlets

OP, I missed where previous neurologist wouldn’t release your records. Did you sign a release with your PCP authorizing neurologist to release your records? If not, that may be the issue. If so, I would badger the old neurologist until you got a copy of them. Keep a set and make a copy for your PCP.

ATM, neurologists are on my sh*t list. I liked the one I had before I moved. Thought I should establish a patient/doctor relationship with one after I moved. The guy I saw earlier this week… I was about to slap him silly after about 5 minutes. His attitude was ‘if you don’t want your med dosage increased, why are you here’?

What a toad.

Will be seeing a Dr doctor in the practice in a few weeks and hoping this one sees my issues and wants to work with me vs just changing med dosage… grrrrr

Absolutely go get your records and carry them to your primary physician. Praying for you here, too.

They cannot refuse to release your records. Go get them yourself!

Also I’ve found that sometimes you have to doctor shop a bit when you have an unusual condition. Can you go to an MS forum and ask for recommendations to neurologists? Or escalate your referral by saying that you have run out of meds? Can your GP go to bat for you on the referral.

Last resort go to an urgent care or ER, bring your old prescription and your records if you have them and explain you have a gap in care and are out of meds. You don’t have to tell them why in any detail, just a “old doctor no longer providing care” will do. Often they will give you enough to tide you over or escalate a referral right there.

Can you order the drug from Canada?

I suggest you find one of the doctors who will sell script for money. There are clinics around, some in bigger cities and some in small cities, where the doctors just sell prescriptions. While said doctors are essentially drug dealers, you will be doing nothing illegal yourself since you have a actual illness and since the drug is helping you.

While I would normally condemn the use of such pill doctors, in your case it is a good thing for you.

How to find such a doctor? You check out clinics. Some actually have lines and are in strip shopping centers. Lots of dopers in line so just mind your own business and tell the truth about your disease and your need for your drug.

Does the hospital that your primary care physcian is affiliated with have a patient care advocate?
If they do could you contact them, explain the situation to them and maybe they could somehow facilitate the records getting transferred from the neuro. to the PC and things rolling? It might give the medical people involved a nudge in the right direction.
This is probably just a shot in the dark, but it was something that came to mind.
Sending you jingles. The maze of modern medicine is hard to navigate.

For the horse side is there a different therapeutic center farther away? The extra drive might be worth it.

I’m pretty sure it’s against the law for them to withhold your medical records. Go in person and ask them if they would prefer to give you a copy right then and there, or if they would prefer to give your lawyer a copy. Make a scene if you need to, make sure other patients can hear you - whatever it takes, but you get those records.

I hope you can get this worked out quickly. Are you on good terms with your policeman neighbor that they might be able to help you legally? Maybe they could assist you in getting your records from your old doc via a personal visit?
Good luck!

Thank you for all your responses. My husband and I will be discussing them all.

For good news, I finally decided that my body was giving me a clear enough picture so I could pick the correct homeopathic remedy for this particular exacerbation. So I took one drop of it two days ago and I am back to being able to handle walking with just two canes, and I can go short distances again without anything more than holding me arms out to the side for balance. I’m nowhere as good as I was when I was on my full dosage of Dronabinol, but I am a lot better than I was when I wrote this.

Now we have to act on all of your excellent recommendations. Hopefully one will work!

Again, thank you all for your support.

Would it perhaps be worthwhile to move somewhere that has legalized medical marijuana?

This looks like a reliable run down of where it’s legal:


That is absolutely insane. For your doctor to withhold a drug that causes you such an immediate loss of function. I would be dragging myself into any and all doctors offices this week until I was listened to. I have actually done this and it did work. Someone out there is a smarter doctor than yours.

Would it perhaps be worthwhile to move somewhere that has legalized medical marijuana?

This looks like a reliable run down of where it’s legal:


There are a limited number of physicians who will prescribe cannabinoids, even in the states where it is legal to obtain recreational marijuana. It seems to be taboo with most doctors, most often when it is off label (not for nausea associated with chemo etc…) because there is a definite stigma of being “Dr.Feelgood” and making a huge profit from off label prescribing.

It doesn’t seem fair, but your doc may be under much scrutiny professionally.

You may have to ask around and find Dr. Feelgood.

Print out from the pharmacy a record of all of the prescription history for you for the past however many years. Take those records in to your PCP, who will need to treat you for this until you can see the new neurologist.

If the PCP refuses to prescribe, call your insurance company and ask for your next steps. Be sure that everyone understands that your MS has been controlled for many years with the prescription history that you have in hand.

Step two. Call the insurance company who should have records from your neurologist as he or she bills. Let them know that they are refusing to release your records.

Good luck.

This is just crazy.

HIPAA requires the provider to let you access and review your medical records. North Carolina doesn’t have a specific law that addresses this, so must conform to the federal HIPAA requirements. The time limit is 30 days.


If you decide to send him a letter, copy the state medical association. Perhaps someone there can educate him about what happens to ignorant jerks.

If you decide to go public, perhaps you could contact a local TV station with a consumer advocate. “Doctor refuses to release information that could help a local woman with severe MS, rendering her severely disabled.” You may not feel comfortable going so public with your medical information, but desperate people do desperate things. But here’s how it would likely play out: reporter contacts doctor, who refuses to discuss your case, citing HIPAA. But in the meantime, releases your records to you to just make you go away.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

Jackie, any update on how you’re feeling?

Jackie, any update on how you’re feeling?[/QUOTE]

Yes, how are you?