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I choose not to ride today because…

I just re-read my comment to you and if it came off as snarky or condescending, I apologize! I meant that I snickered in an “I feel you!” kind of way.

(I don’t think you interpreted it as condescending but I wanted to be very clear :slight_smile: )


Someone asked me that, as I was in process last night.

“what would you do if they freak out?” My answer was “let them all go and bail” lol

I was in the arena alone, else I wouldn’t have been doing something that has the potential for a loose horse. The Old Man is not impressed that he always ends up being ridden when it’s time to do sketchy stuff. But he’s so dang solid when all hell breaks loose, that he’ll always be my go-to!


Due to a strong air inversion and cold, we have ice fog. Whether the sun breaks through or not today is a crap shoot. My poor bones can’t take the cold. If anything, I’ll lunge this afternoon if the the sun appears.

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Unless it is in the upper 40’s I won’t even consider riding anymore. That is the one good thing about getting older. I don’t feel guilty at all.


Upper 40s C or F?

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Yesterday it was a lovely sunny warm day, upper 50s F. I chose not to ride bc the horses looked so content grazing in the rye grass paddock. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Around 45 degrees F. I will lunge and do groundwork in cooler weather but I hate trying to ride in gobs of clothing!

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I have foregone riding this week because highs in the mid 30’s - I only have time to ride first thing in the morning, and heck no I’m not going to ride at 8am when it’s only 22°F. I don’t have winter tall boots. I like to feel my fingers and toes. I’m already cold just sitting in my 60° house.

I’m going to move someday to a warm place.

I wish it was that warm here.

Well, I got to the barn at last, chose not to ride because had already fallen once yesterday and didn’t fancy chancing more bruises!

But we made the best of it, and found out that there is indeed a lot of snow there.


The road past my house leads to a snowmobiling paradise, apparently. I’m sitting here in the warm, drinking my morning tea, and watching the big trailers go by. Its about 3F. They are entirely welcome to it!


I intended to go out and do some amateur bodywork- stretches, massage, generally messing around making sure he survived the night in the shed, and putting Surpass on all the joints I can reach. When I got to the barn, the wind was blowing to a real feel of -2. But the inside of the barn was warm enough that buckets weren’t frozen. So I thought “I can stretch this creaky old horse better if I hop on him bareback and we go do some flatwork at the walk.” Creaky old horse got in the indoor, heard the wind hit the wall, and performed a rather good canter pirouette. :wink: We did get to long, low, and engaged in the hocks… eventually.

One of these days I’m going to fall off the side of this horse and I will have no one to blame for myself for not knowing which days to put a saddle on and which days to get up on top of his blankets, and which days not to get on at all. Today I learned nothing.


Really cold here in NJ today, kinda hurts to breathe out there. And my barn’s driveway probably isn’t really driveable. And I’m cozy here at home, eating donuts and just doing stuff I’ve been putting off forever.

I’m a total wimp. Plus the ground still has patchy ice. Hoping it all melts today/ tomorrow. Tired of sliding around and tweaking my lower back when catching myself from falling.

I could get on and walk, but decided a few minutes of ground work and scratches under blankets was plenty.

It’s warming up later this week with a 97% chance of rain. Ughh… here comes the mud.

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I chose not to ride yesterday because while I was picking feet I saw that he had sliced his frog and it started bleeding all over the place when I gently prodded it.

Oh crap, hope it heals quick and clean.

I chose TO ride today, before the blizzard hits, but SIGH DH seems to think it’s more important to fix the remote start in the car, and batten down the car port before said blizzard hits…

I hate only having one vehicle…

And the blizzard came, there seems to be a few road closures! The map is 400 miles east to west

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Thanks, I think he’ll live. Unfortunately, where it is is down in the collateral groove so hard to get to for cleaning.

Awe if you can’t ride in the cold at least go out and give your horse a nice brush and blanket reset. You’ll be surprised how nice it can be to spend some winter time just hanging out, even when it’s -30.

I don’t ride when it’s colder than -10. Too hard on the lungs. But they always get a brush and some love. It’s been a very cold winter in Ontario this year.


It’s been a cold two or three weeks here, indeed! With snowfall worthy of a Special Weather Statement heading our way tomorrow afternoon, I’m making a concerted effort to get out to the barn tomorrow morning. It’ll feel like a balmy -4 C (or 25F for our American friends) :sweat_smile: