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I choose not to ride today because…

I am a whimp, there I said it.

Having been 38 days in the UK, 28 on vacation, 10 stuck in seemingly never ending loop of confusion, frustration and anger trying to escape while airlines argued over our paper work…and having multiple Covid tests.aghhhhhh.

Having then been selected for random resting on our arrival, and had to self isolate for days, I eventually get the all clear…am I running to the barn to see my horse? Nope, waiting one more day, I mean it’s just one more day right!

And why ami waiting?

Because I am officially A WHIMP. Not going out there, no sire, I have been in beautiful warm weather for a month, you know, British winter, don’t even need a BIG coat. Told my BO that she can feed him one more day…I’ll start again tomorrow.


Yeah, I don’t think passing on a -33 degree day makes you a wimp.

I like how you think that British winter is “beautiful warm weather” LOL. I know you’re being somewhat sarcastic here, but still.

If I were you, I’d be thinking of acquiring a new zip code. I live in the south. 33 degrees ABOVE zero is still too cold for us!


When we have “British winter” temperatures at this time of year it is nice and warm. And we revel in it! Hats off, gloves off, jackets off - the sweater generally stays on.

And where I am isn’t as cold as where KBC is! It’s only going to feel like -35C tonight. :crazy_face:


Hey, day time temps were positive every day we were there, no sarcasm at all. Having said that when my brother in law passed and we travelled from Canada to Orkney for the funeral, that was +5*C and I think standing by that grace in island wind and rain was the coldest I have ever been.

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The high today here was 25f/-4C.
I got my riding clothes on.
I got in the car.
I drove to the coffee shop, got a coffee, and went home.
I am also a wimp.


After reading all this, I’m embarrassed to admit that I turned the thermostat up to 71F when I got up this morning. It was 64F outside, 68F in the house and I was freezing. Couldn’t get warm so bumped up the heat.

(Leaving now, hanging my head in shame).

P.S. Oh, but in my defense, when I was stationed in the northeast and midwest, I got my butt to the barn and rode at anything over 20F. Below that, I figured it wasn’t good for my horses’ lungs. Is that true or just the excuse I used? (I did still go to the barn and groom, though, so maybe not a wimp). :grin:


At least you can see the sun. We get this phenomena that is called an inversion. Warmer air aloft traps the cold air nearer the ground. It holds this layer of clouds down too. We did see the sun for a couple hours this morning. About the time I left for the barn, the sun disappeared. It feels like the sky is on your head. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=LQNqFZFR&id=2A1537EF85A08CD9EB9F9E9BD72E7388BD66F2EB&thid=OIP.LQNqFZFR4Ea0iJJscNrSygHaEK&mediaurl=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Vvz9dTr68Jc/maxresdefault.jpg&cdnurl=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2d036a159151e046b488926c70dad2ca?rik=6%2FJmvYhzLtebng&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&exph=720&expw=1280&q=boise+inversion+picture&simid=607986619932361878&form=IRPRST&ck=C20974F2DD7599983A9E3E48EC68FA27&selectedindex=5&adlt=demote&shtp=GetUrl&shid=5be3aa35-1af3-4313-be16-85e1be5df2d5&shtk=SGVyZSdzIHdoYXQgQm9pc2UncyBpbnZlcnNpb24gbG9va3MgbGlrZSBmcm9tIGFib3ZlIHRoZSBjbG91ZHMgLSBZb3VUdWJl&shdk=Rm91bmQgb24gQmluZyBmcm9tIHd3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbQ%3D%3D&shhk=nSnZL7GrQ%2ByufeP%2BY6tU0DONrf%2F1PbC84YyNWtqNjUU%3D&shth=OIP.LQNqFZFR4Ea0iJJscNrSygHaEK
This is from the local ski area. We are under that sea of cotton looking clouds. Ugh.

But yeah, at -33C, I would choose not to ride too :cold_face:.


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Not a wimp thats for sure lol! I don’t blame you and I wouldn’t be really leaving my house much as well.

Talk about a long stretch of cold weather!! I don’t like to ride in anything below -10c ever. We’ve had extreme cold weather alerts on and off for weeks now (we get alerts when its below -20C) and it was a balmy -23C this morning (-30c with wind). My barn always looks like its on fire when I open the door and the heat pours out. I’m actually surprised no one has called the fire department about that.

Ponies just get double blanketed, turned out and fed lots of hay. Thats more than enough for me and them. I’ll wait for warmer weather for sure…


There’s a high of 11F today.

I will be there to take care of the critters but I will not be riding. IF and big IF I ride, it will be at a walk, without even removing blankets.


A lot of us, especially us amateurs who work all day then go to the barn to ride after, and maybe even have kids to parent in all that spare time, have to be gentle with ourselves somedays. I know I have the approach of “I have to train at least 4 days a week, and ride at least 5” but some days the weather doesn’t cooperate, I’m not in a good headspace to do right by my horse, or there’s just too many other competing pressures. Some days I go out, kiss her on the nose and tell her she’s pretty, other days I just skip the barn altogether to focus on other priorities. I tell myself she’ll survive one day without me (she’s at a full care barn, so I know she won’t miss me at all :laughing:), and it will be ok if I scale back training a bit during winter.

It’s ok to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Allow yourself some slack, especially this time of year :slight_smile:


We get the horrible inversions here too… the Salt Lake Valley has a lovely layer of extra-cold yellow smog hanging over it. Glad I live up above it!

it was a toasty 1.5F (-17C) first thing this morning even up here in the sunshine, though. Beats the -13.5F we had a couple of weeks ago, but still…

Buggrit millennium hand and shrimp!

Today I choose, well no, I didn’t choose, was advised not to come out, it’s currently a balmy 30F/-1C that’s great.


With the warm came the wind, and all that beautiful snow is blowing in on the barn drive as she tries to clear it. So barn is closed….

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I actually make to to the barn intending to ride but feed horsey treats and go home.


Yeah, that happens to me too. Not often, but sometimes you think you have the energy, you get there, and you just don’t.



This made me snicker.

It “only” felt like -22 celsius today :expressionless: Milder days I’ll get the cart out, but generally we stick to long lining or short lunge sessions when it’s cold out.

One of the things I love about driving my wee pony is that it doesn’t require me to change into riding clothes anymore :grin: There are so fewer expectations when you don’t have to dress to ride!


I ponied 3 horses at once off my Old Man tonight, at 2F true temp. I wanted them to move but didn’t want to risk anyone getting sweaty, so we walked for 45 minutes.

I was a popsicle when I was done. Yuck weather.

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I know, I’m a wimp! I live in the south and I’m still wimpy.
I actually don’t know how people have horses in the great frozen north. I would have to have a heated barn, heated arena, and a heated turnout area!


I went out for a hack in -19C with wind chill -25C today. To be fair it was sunny. My older horse volunteered a canter in the almost knee deep snow! So much fun!! Warming too! :laughing:

When it’s this cold the moisture in the footing freezes and the footing becomes very dusty. Too dusty for my heavey horse so outside we went.

I was so very tempted to go for a hack last night despite the -28C with -36C wind chill, but there was no moonlight, and it was getting late… Yes, okay! It was really cold too… happy now? :wink:

I’m not sure I would have been able to resist if there had been moonlight…


Totally impressed. Can’t imagine how you pony 3, let alone in that temp. :clap:

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