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I come here for solace

Death and destruction is EVERYWHERE…At least here I can find a nice voice, some understanding…someone to “talk to”
Tonight I find BITCHING.
I just dont get it.
People are DEAD!
Their families will BURY them this week!
If you cant express yourselves like civilized, compassionate human beings then…
Sorry if this steps on toes. But WHY argue and nit pick about leaders, speech patterns, and “who is the greatest”
Cant believe these words will leave the tips of my fingers, but in this HORRIBLE time…Cant we all just get along? There will be SO many arguments and discord in the next few months. Can we leave it peaceful here for a FEW more days?
over and out and very sad…

Thank you Fairweather…I actually stopped visiting the boards yesterday because I was so sick of the fighting and personal attacks on each other. You would think that something like this would serve to unite this country, but instead we find ways to fight about it.

Personally, my Dad was almost killed on Tuesday…I can’t imagine the grief the the families and friends of the victims are going through. I trust that our country’s leaders will make the right decisions…lets give them that chance before jumping to conclusions.

Death and destruction is EVERYWHERE…At least here I can find a nice voice, some understanding…someone to “talk to”
Tonight I find BITCHING.
I just dont get it.
People are DEAD!
Their families will BURY them this week!
If you cant express yourselves like civilized, compassionate human beings then…
Sorry if this steps on toes. But WHY argue and nit pick about leaders, speech patterns, and “who is the greatest”
Cant believe these words will leave the tips of my fingers, but in this HORRIBLE time…Cant we all just get along? There will be SO many arguments and discord in the next few months. Can we leave it peaceful here for a FEW more days?
over and out and very sad…

My co-worker got a personal visit from Naval officers of the casualty office of the Pentagon verifying that his daughter was in the building, has not been accounted for and has not checked in.

My other friend from work tells me that her husband got his buddies out from D ring by going straight through the burning debris and jet fuel of E ring. He got two of them out and then helped a woman with a three month old. All so quickly that a woman and infant were reported as among the first to arrive at the hospital.

This entire situation is far too tragic for petty bickering among the living.

I agree FairWeather…

United we stand, divided we fall.



I sit in my office and can look out the window at the smoke that is still rising from the collapse of the towers. Just spent two hours sitting with colleagues looking and talking.

What is important now is that our country, and others, stand united against the evil, dastardly people who would perpetrate such an horrendous act of terror on innocent people going to work and school.

It is NOT a time for partisan bickering and division.

For those of you not in NYC or DC, trust me, if you could see the smoke everytime you looked out your window and watch people at Bellevue Hospital across the street waiting to see if their loved ones are alive or dead, you might think twice about being divisive, argumentative and petty. This is not the time!

When I picked up my 9 year old daughter from school yesterday, I told her what had happened. Her reply- direct quote!
" Why can’t we all just learn to get along with each other.Geez."

I hung my tattered and dull from age flag today. It was my grandparents. They bought it right after the USA became 50 states.It is linen, moth-eaten and dingy from age, but by God, it is waving!

OK- on a lighter note- we sent a pair of boots back to Vogel last week to get zippers put in. The lady wants her boots back- by the weekend- She asked us to see what WE could do about it. Hello-o. There is a slight problem with shipping from Vogel right now! To quote my daughter- Geez!

AMEN!! Or while you wait for your husband to come home from work after a 15 hour shift to tell you how many bodies and body parts he saw and picked up today. This is the time to grieve and be there for those people who lost someone in this tragedy.


You beat me to it Fairweather…

There is NOTHING wrong with expressing opinions, that’s the beauty of these forums and those like it. There is NOTHING wrong with disagreeing with other opinions, that’s what freedom is for. However, There IS something wrong with name calling, pointing fingers and personal attacks…that’s what oppression is about and the first step in making people feel alienated. Which is the LAST thing we need right now.

Yeah, emotions are high, yeah there are GOING to be disagreements, but please, lets check our egos, leave our tempers at the door, and respect each other like accepting and loving adults.

–My most accommodating strength is my willingness to humiliate myself

Barb –

Thanks. To add to the above… The wind has shifted again and inside my office I can smell the smoke from the fires that are still smoldering downtown. Just when I thought I might get some work done, another cruel reminder of the tragedy occurs.

Very sorry if I fomented or added gas to this fire. I was very touched with your efforts to help out any stranded BB’ers. It HAS become very personal and negative. Perhaps, however, that’s healthy? In the way that we can get really roiled, upset, and then come back together? On second thought…I’d rather sing Koombayah and follow your very thoughtful lead here.

Watch the Koombayah singing… I’ve already been attacked for that one…

I too cannot believe what I have been reading on these boards. As Americans, I thought we were all pulling together, but evidently not. I have confidence in our leaders and our allies to do what is best for this country. God bless this country and all of the victims of this tragedy.

I agree with you.

Thank you Fairweather. I was about to abondon this board for awhile. Yesterday it was my every communication and link to what all of you East Coast people were experiencing.

Today the tides have turned. I think I said this is what my fear would be. Complacency.

We need each other more than ever. How sad some don’t feel that.

VP of Compass Sales
(inside joke, I think)

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”