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I couldn't resist having a World Champion<g>

So I added up the scores from the 3 tests, just like the good old days.

Anky: 75, 77.8, 86.1 = 79.63
Isabell: 75, 79.48,80.75 = 78.41
Andreas: 76.3, 76.56, 81.5 = 78.12

yup - and very clearly- but I guess this way- the heat and focus is not so much on Anky- and others can share a little in her glory as well…
but she by now- when you think about it- has ridden so many musical freestyles- she must be an absolute expert at it- and maybe she is just a little more musical then Isabel.

The problem with Isabelle was that she used the music from Hannes, and that Imke’s music was almost (80%) the same as the music from Isabelle (both using Night of the Proms)

Otherwise I think that IW could have scored a few % higher.

It was amazing and very welcome to see that these two diva’s did it again.